Prenatal Education is valuable, just not when falsified for Profit

There’s a great amount of REAL research and shown bnefits from Prenatal Education, by the likes of Verney et all. But then along comes Brent Logan, complete with FALSIFIED credentials and builds up a library of self-published nonsense to promote his own product. He was outed as a FRAUD some time back by this website :

Who have some hilarious articles where Logan has the gall to reply and try to recover credibility. He obviously did not, and the company was rebranded to be owned by a ‘momtrepeneur’ and snap pics of celebs wearing the device to lull people into a sense of authenticity.

Beware - there is NO real research on this device. Only that by the FRAUD who developed it. Think about it really, what should a human being be exposed to … voice, music, song and stories, or an annoying repetative beat for hours on end?? Do you want your kid to come out as a slavering techno zombie? Stear well clear of this nonsense … for your child’s sake!