Pregnancy training ?

We all want healthy, strong, beautiful etc. kids, isn’t it? But not all of them are, is it?

Well, the lifestyle has changed during ages, ang our babies health along with it.
In my country, in the last decades, has changed into worse. So, if our ancestors, and grandparents lived their life at the countryside, in a healthy environment and brought up healthy kids (usually), we can no longer say this today.
More and more children are born with all types of problems - starting with mild ones, and ending with the worse possible. Maybe it’s the pollution in the air, water etc. Sometimes is the malpractice of doctors, the mistreatment towards pregnant women. Sometimes it’s the toxins in the food we eat. And much more…

We can not control everything in life, my kid is the evidence of that.

Still, a mother-to-be or a pregnant woman can do something to improve both her and her baby’s health/intelligence/character/ etc. I did, and it worked. Although my son has internal problems (brain injury), his body is strong, he’s spirit is high, and he is a real hero. Many of these good results are not due because of me. But some of them, really are, I’m sure. I tried to take care of the physical, emotional and mental part of me through exercises, nutrition, lifestyle in general.

So, dear moms, what do you think about prepairing/training for having a child?
Do you agree with that, or just let nature take it’s course and live your life as usual?
Did/Do you do something you thought might be useful? If yes, what is it?
Did/Do you adapt your lifestyle to one especially designed for helping the baby? If that’s so, please tell us about it.

I would like to hear any experience either of you has or had.


I totally believe n preparing yourself for the baby before it comes… anything you do for your kids is great and its never too early to start ;D


My husband and I are now trying for another baby!! We are so excited!!! But there were many things we have done in advance, especially getting TOTALLY healthy!!! We follow a strict daily fish diet normally, but prior to pregnancy we make sure it’s been at least 12 months! Yes, a full 12 months eating wild fish daily! And there’s many reasons for it. All for supreme health!!! You can get all the details off the nutritionists/scientists website. I recomend anyone and everyone to follow this easy wild fish diet, escpecially children and pregnant mothers! :wub:


I agree with Autumn. Although we do not do the wild fish diet I am a strong believer in Omega 3 supplementation eith through wild fish or supplements. The data is out there it improves cardiovascular health, visual acuity, mood, as well as the IQ of developing babies. The data is so substantial that almost all formulas are now being supplemented. I am currently pregnant and with this and my last pregnancy I took Omega-3 with high levels of DHA daily with pregnancy and while breast feeding. When my son was weaned I gave him DHA ARA supplemented formula and after that Omega 3 supplements daily (which he still takes). Other than that I just believe that adequate protein and fats for developing babies should be consumed and obviously a general healthy state and avoiding smoke, alcohol and tobacco. But I am an Omega 3 vigilante.

Ohhhh…Thank you Linzy!!! :slight_smile:

Karma to you :wink:


I am not sure if training and diet is the same :):slight_smile:
bus I agree that fish diet, directly or indirectly, is important.

read this:
Mother’s Vitamin D Levels Can Affect Baby’s Dental Health … -
Babies very often have bad teeth.
It is a rather new research, and doctors generally don’t know about it. I used fish oil daily, when was expecting my first. She has no problems with dental health. And she is very clever, of course :):slight_smile:
(fish oil is easy way how to get natural D vitamine; anrtificial substances sometimes does not work.)


Well, Vitamin D is not a vitamin, it’s a hormone that is produced by the body naturally when expesed to sunlight. Vitamin D supplement might be ok (the owner of www.truehealth. advises against it ) but it’s no were near what you body produces naturally from the sun. So get as much sunshine as possible, you’ll feel great doing it and be loaded up on natrual vit.D! Just like the cavemen. :wink: You’ll know you are getting enough if you produce a tan. Dr.Mercola talks about it some on his website and if you ever noticed he is very tan. :slight_smile: I aim for 45 minutes (15 minutes here, 15 miutes there) of outdoors sunshine daily…my kids on the other hand beg to be in it all day long! They certainly know what’s good for them. Good old fashioned fresh air and sunshine!:wub:

Hope this helps some :slight_smile:

Best Regards,