Pregnancy, Japanese and the Periodic Table

Yeah I know weird title for a post. Here’s the history: when I had my first child I really wanted a second. My DH was out of a job and needed to find a new one. He said we could have another when my first child could say gynaecologist and Nunitari (the name of his cat) correctly. I think she was a little over 2 before she could pronounce them. It took a while longer than that before he got a job and was ready to try again. She was 2 years 9 months before I fell pregnant with my second child.

Now I want a third and he needs time. My second can already say the words I posted above. He is less keen on a third then he was on a second too. So he says the second must learn to speak Japanese and recite the periodic table before I can fall pregnant - don’t worry I also still really need to sort out some medical issues which will take months so actually I am slowing this down as much as he is. Nonetheless when given a challenge like this it is in my nature to rise to it.

I told him I would teach her to say: “I want a brother or a sister.” in Japanese and that that would be enough (he said speak, not speak fluently). I have started with the periodic table of elements more to see if she can even pronounce them and she does fine reciting after me, but need ideas on getting her to remember so many - she does not yet have the alphabet song down yet though she is close. And how often should we repeat it every day to get it done fast (I do not know it all myself yet) Also any help on how to actually say that in Japanese or anywhere where I can hear the correct pronunciation?

Any help appreciated - I do want this third child, but see this as a bit of a joke and a challenge for those who are wondering. My little one will not mind whether I teach her the months of the years or all the elements so that is not a problem either. I think my husband also wants me to prove that I really do want a third and this is all a part of it.

lol lol lol you made me laugh. Silly husbands :wink:
I can get the interpretation for you if no one else volunteers it. I can get close but want to check it is perfect before I teach you something wrong!

That is such a fun tradition you guys have. (I don’t know if it counts as a tradition, but I think its pretty funny.)
For Japanese:
Expressing Want and it shouldn’t be hard to find out the noun that means brother or sister. If you can find the word for ‘sibling’ that will be even better!!!

As for the periodic table, try YouTube and get a poster. Teach it the way you do geography. Sing songs of the different categories, leave out several charts and play with them. “I spy” and games like that.


Wow, I love the challenging situation you are in! If I were in the same situation, I’d be so excited to accomplish those tasks. I especially like your Speak japanese, but not fluently I immediately thought of the Silly memory game as a way to teach the periodic table. You’d have to come up with a story and make flash cards, but it’s definitely something that can be done. If that is too much, why not just do flashcards doman style? Why not make a file to play in Little reader?

As far as speaking japanese properly, if nobody here can help you, I will try to get in tough with a good friend of mine who married a japanese wife. I know he speaks japanese fluently I’m sure she would help you out as well. Try to get help here first and if need be, I’ll try to track down my friend.

You can do it! I can’t wait to hear about baby #3 on the way.


I can help. Here are several options.

Watashi wa otōto matawa imōto ga hoshī desu.

Less formal
Watashi wa ototō ka imotō ga hoshī

I want a baby
Watashi wa akachan ga hoshī desu.

Good idea mom to bee. You Could also teach I want a baby sibling.

Watashi wa akachan no kyodai ga hoshī desu.

Thanks for the help - think we will stick to “I want a baby” since that is what my little one said to Daddy this morning on his way to work. My 5 year old is quite keen to learn all these things too so it’ll be a race to see which of the children or their mother gets them learnt first. Its all up to the 2 year old in the end though - lol.

Oh, oh, oh, I can help with the chemistry:)
…and maybe the Japanese, lol
We just returned home and I have been thinking of trying to get Alex on video singing the song The Elements. We are chemists, so we have ideas all over the house. I will share so e of our favorites:)
Theodore Gray made a gorgeous version of the original The Elements song that is available on YouTube:

And if you get VERY industrious, here it is sung in Japanese!

Okay, so other fun ways to teach the periodic table to two-year-olds…
We started with a couple of things. We bought these periodic table building blocks for Alex I think when she was an infant because they were just too cute, and so they have always just sort of been around. Of course, a bit of creativity will give you myriad games to play with them. I know shipping might be a bit difficult to your area, but they would be incredibly easy to make your own version:)

I actually think the single most useful item that helped was just the periodic table placemat! We have this one…actually I think we have 3-4 of them, the laminated kind that are great for teaching the kiddos just about anything! I remember playing games on it whilst eating or whatever. If you like the look of it and think it will help, please send me a PM. I will happily drop one in the post to you free of charge:) all in the name of great chemistry and The Great Baby Challenge!

Oh! And ShenLi already did a wonderful job creating LR files for teaching the elements as well…

There is also a great jump-rope style chant that teaches the elements (in order) that would be fun to do with little ones whilst jumping on a trampoline, bouncer, bed, etc…I actually think it is available as a download. I want to say it is from Ellen McHenry’s basement? I will have a look and see if I can find it…

Haha I love the idea of learning the periodic table in Japanese!

Wow! That in Japanese is incredible! lol now that is a challenge worthy of twins lol
Still how did I not find that song in English before? My kids will love this. They learnt all their countries singing along to this type of tune.
I love the idea of a silly story for the elements. I guess I have a job to do now! This could be a challenge and a half. If I figure it out I will let you know. I am positive my kids could remember them all really quickly with a silly story attached.
Correct me if I am wrong but I could see no pattern to the way the elements are presented in the song. It’s random right? I would prefer to teach them in some logical order, who’s logic I don’t know but some logic would be good ( if only for my sanity :biggrin: )

As far as memorizing the periodic table in order, whilst this can be fun and a challenge, as well as good memory practice, I think it is far more important to learn the element names, symbols, and spellings. Then group according to metals, non metals, noble gases, etc.
For every class, major exam, etc., there will always be a periodic table available…and you wouldn’t believe how many Uni kids come to class having memorized the symbols in order, but can’t tell you what Ag actually is:)

For your kids age take a look at the Ellen McHenry Elements…and she has a FREE element game to download. The CD that comes with it (or download) has lovely songs to learn, and I am almost positive they are in order.

That being said: what REALLY might appeal to you kids is the more RB approach. There are whole books written on suggestions, but instead of a silly story method (which I think would be a blast-there are existing element cartoons that might help) they focus on visualization. Much like teaching to visualize the Soroban in a lot of ways . The best one I have seen is one that chunked the visualization by group of the periodic table so that they could ‘zoom in’, and then put it all together. I must say that this tends to be what happens after using it so often!

BTW- Dr. Jones has a system for this, a game using his bits for memorization that I remember him telling me about that sounded like a lot of fun. I know he does it in order and includes all sorts of extra information. Hhmmm.

Great ideas - thanks guys. She needs to know the periodic table in order though - I found The New Periodic Table song on Youtube and think we could learn it with that one, but using a placemat would probably speed things along.

Twins are being mentioned a lot around me lately - I am a twin myself but really can’t afford to be having twins (and not from a financial standpoint - from the pregnancy side of things - one is difficult enough for me) so I think I’ll skip the periodic table in Japanese :slight_smile:

Will look at making periodic table blocks too - bl;ocks work well with my kids, or even just flashcards might work for her - that are cut out separately.

Thanks for the ideas.

lol lol lol lol

I am sure that your baby will speakJapanese and recite the whole Periodic Table very well!!! What thing will your husband tell you when you wish your fourth child??? lol lol

Lol, who knows what he’d expect then… I told him three would be the end of it - I have bad pregnancies and he really thinks stretching to three might be too much. This will have to be the last.

My DD2 is starting to learn the periodic table now - she’s learning it how she learnt to count - when I say hydrogen she now says helium, say lithium, she says “bellilium” - working on that one :slight_smile: I’m getting better now too and DD(nearly 6) is along for the ride and may learn it before any of the rest of us.

Keri would you recommend easy clear not very overwhelming books to be read by kids to learn more about the elements , where we find them , their use ?? I love the placemat unfortunately it is out of stock on amazon Uk so if you don’t mind i would love to have it . And hey great news , A business man who import stuff from US knew about us and what we are doing with Isa and little ones and homeschooling ,… he emailed me his office address in US and offered to be my postman :slight_smile: he said he got a frozen container every month and a regular one every 3 months , I am welcome to order whatever i need from the states and get it sent to his address if it can go in the frozen container it will go there if not in the regular one , YAY I am so happy , i can save so much with this arrangement . now i need to check can a box of books go in a frozen container ?? would they get wet ?? mayeb they should be vacuum packed ?? :slight_smile: Also I bring isa’s special energy drinks in tins powdered formula , do you thin k tis ok for it to go in frozen container ?? i need to check with the company i buy the formula from . Anyway no more lost or stolen items in post office , no more paying double for shipping , hooray for good and kind people ,My prayers were answered .