Pregnacy and hardcore pornography

Have a step son who told his girlfriend she was fat and inadequate sexually and needed her to watch hardcore pornography to satisfy his greatness while pregnant. The girlfriend died a couple months after delivery from unknown complications. The step son took the child to his sisters in Oklahoma but got kicked to the curb in under 30 days for asking her 14 year old boy, his nephew, to watch hardcore pornography and fondle. His mother and my wife took them into our house when infant was 3 months old. Before the infant could crawl I caught his father watching hardcore pornography with the infant on his lap. The infants grandmother kicked the father out and kept the infant. Over a year passes and total abandonment by father until he shows up with a girlfriend and snatches the toddler. Grandmother calls the DHS child protection hotline in Oklahoma, they send investigators who conclude hardcore pornography has no affect on fetus or such young infants and the over a year total abandonment was only minor neglect. My concern is with society and DHS child protections attitude that hardcore pornography videos are great “cartoons” for infants?

Anyone have any knowledge of psychological affects exposing fetus or infants to hardcore pornography?

I dont know what the effects are on kids so young (they’re like sponges but forget a lot of things, but if exposed to things repeatedly they learn it) but the big issue is… he’s not going to stop. Or if he does stop watching it outrightly, he’s not going to care if the child overhears. And he’s likely to act out these things with his girlfriend, and potentially his child.

This guy is a creep, one of those individuals who cant control their testosterone and whom the world is better off without - and who would be better off castrated.

I wouldnt rest until that child is away from them - the girlfriend isnt great parenting material being in a relationship with a male of that calibre. This child is in danger and if I were you I would have as much contact with the child as possible and ask questions - and record everything. get any disclosure recorded via your phone…keep it on recording in the background when you have conversations. And keep hounding DHS to keep it at the top of the pile of things they have on file.

I hope they didnt just kick him to the curb for his request of a 14 year old. That is a reportable and arrestable offence… was that done? if they didnt do that, and DHS find out, or the 14 year old tells a teacher, they can get in big trouble for not doing enough. They will be reported to DHS and have that on file.