Precocious 8 yr old inspirational Article

This is a nice read written about a man who was a precocious 8 yr old learning about computer programming, and chronicles some of his achievements growing up.

“Countless times in my life I have had to blaze trails through environments that are unfamiliar. My first question is never “Can I do it?” If asked tomorrow to build a rocket to take astronauts to the former planet Pluto, my first question would be “When can I start?” Learn to expect solutions.”

Also loved this section. In a nutshell, wouldn’t we all want our children to feel this way about the time we’ve committed to them in these early years? “I moved forward with the help of my devoted and loving father. I have yet to find a truer exemplar of dedicated service than he. To anyone else, it might have appeared as an act of insanity, but he selflessly sacrificed and persevered to teach advanced computer programming concepts to a child who still struggled with long division.”

That was an inspiring read" thank you