
mummies… i’m very shocked to find out how competitive is the education in singapore. some mums already started to registered for childcare/kindergarten even during pregnant, otherwise no more space for those famous pre-sch. is this happened in other country too??

Should i send my baby to childcare when she turns 2 yrs old?

Its not so much like that here in the US. Private schools are losing attendance because more and more people put their kids in the awful public schools. This being is our country is very materialistic and its priorities are really off. I have noticed a HUGE decline in parents sending their children to private school. I know the schools in our area are really beginning to suffer.

Now if your in the rich eliete you may be signing your kid up for kindergarden before they are born. But those schools are for those who are rich.
In all actuality our school system in the US is just plained messed up.

What are your objectives? Priorities? Budget concerns? Positive/Negative socialization concerns? Does adding a new baby into your family play a role in this decision as well?

Those would be big considerations for me. Can you get a hold of the curriculum outline and teach the same things at home if that’s what you prefer?

I am from Peru and want to share how things are here.
Kids (almost babies) are sent to prescool when they are 2 yrs old and some earlier.
Preschool is form 9 am to 11:30 or 12:30 dependin on the age.

The reasons behind this are:
a) Middle class moms normally work and they prefer their kids to be surounded by other children (helps with socialization) and taken care by specialized teachers and some asistance than to leave them home with the maid.
b) Depending on what school they are planning their child to go, they have to be well prepared because they will be ‘tested’ to be accepted. depending on the school, this will be when their child is 3 to 5 yrs old. There are not too many ‘good’ public schools and a few are very expensive and can not be afforded.

For example, my son wants the same school that he attended and there, at the age the kid is 4 yr they will be evaluated. My grandson turn 4 on January and on Abril he will be taken to the school by the preschool teacher and be evaluated. he will be one of the oldest and give test with kids that are turnin 4 at the end of this year.