Practising the foreign language with baby on Skype

Well, this may seem like an odd idea, please let me know what you all think.
I read not long ago, in an article, that a NY Dad was spending quite a lot of money to have a French speaker read a bedtime story to his daughter, via Skype, every night.

I think many of us are teaching a language they’re not familiar with (I’d say quite a lot of us have chosen Mandarin, but also Spanish, French etc…)

Do you think it would be possible to sit two babies at the computer, put on the webcam, and have one mom on the other side of the screen interact with the baby in her native tongue?

Most of the conversation would come from one side at a time so languages don’t get mixed up. So for example, the Chinese mom would do a little bit of chit-chat, then maybe a song (with the help of her baby?), then show a book, point at things and name then? Then at another time, I would be the other mom interacting? It would be very short sessions to start, and hopefully with a bit of repetition, the children would start to enjoy one another and request the meeting and start speaking the foreign tongue?

I can picture this really clearly! Then I guess it all depends on the child’s reaction, and whether people are shy or not (I’ve never have conversations on Skype with people I don’t know :slight_smile:

Well, this is just a suggestion. Let me know what you think!

Well I think its a great idea in principle! Kind of like a bilingual playgroup online.

My reservations would be around skyping strangers - I’m afraid I wouldn’t trust anyone. If the idea is one way conversations, perhaps the same effect can be achieved with videos?

It sounds like a great idea, except I doubt mine would sit still for it. Maybe he would if there was another baby on the other end.

The goal is that children would eventually say a few things! My daughter says 5-6 chinese words (she calls dolls, dogs etc… by the chinese word, not the french one) so I’m pretty sure she would react if the Chinese moms says those words to her!

Also, it wouldn’t really be strangers if it’s between members of this forum lol

Yes there would be a baby on the other end!

Great idea! I really think this is a very interesting topic.

Has somebody tested the children reaction when people interacts with them through the computer screen? Is it similar to real life, so they look to the lips, or they just observe in the same way they watch their favorite TV show?

My daughter sees relatives on Skype every week or so. She usually remains still as long as they talk to her, move, sing etc… if they’re quiet, off she goes. I’ve never tried with a baby but I’m sure there’d be a great interest on her part.

My kids also see their relatives on skype and it is almost like real life. My son who is 2, offers his grandparents tea etc! My daughter (7 months) is a lot quieter but does respond to people on the screen.

yeah,It is great idea.I am ready to share my languge.

Thanks hypatia for sharing your experience. I´ll try to use skype with our relatives on abroad when my baby grows up a little bit, and I´ll comment how he reacts :slight_smile:

km276 thanks for your experience too. So you can confirm that the little babies can interact using skype. I´m looking forward to test it in a couple of months :yes:

Okay, I would love to speak to people in Mandarin, French or Spanish. We can offer English and Swedish in return ------- and afrikaans (old fashioned dutch). Feel free to email me off line for my username etc. What a brilliant idea!!!

I can offer to speak in spanish (my mother tongue) but in a couple of months because my son is going to Peru to visit his grandparents.

I hope to find people who speaks mandarin by skype, although I suppose they will be in high demand :confused:

sounds like a great idea - im afraid I only have English to offer - and havent yet tried skype - tho have access to it… certainly willing to give it a go

I have been using skype for a while now to talk to friends and family, but mainly for my language exchange lessons I have every week. My son would get on and chat with my teachers/friends every now and then, but not often because he was usually sleep around that time. Anywho, a couple of months ago a friend of mine, who lives in Russia, expressed her challenges related to teaching her son english so I suggested getting a webcam and having a session through skype to see if it would help. I fugured that maybe if our sons saw someone else their size speak the language we are trying to teaching them they might take more interest and the exposure would be great for them. My friend has already created a list of phrases and words to somewhat focus on.We will start with a topic of interest and then take it from there. As you can see I have been procrastinating tremendously, but I must say thank you hypatia for this post, because I needed it to get back on track and get this language exchange started:)

Take Care and Happy Teaching!!


I think this is an excellent idea. Not only will they benefit on learning a different language but as babies or children grow older maybe they will become good friends and exchange culture information an so forth. Somewhat like penpals that we use to have and exchange letters.
I join this forum cause I find a lot of information related to early education. My kids are grown up and I have only one grandson. Unfortunately we only get together twice a week and some weekends and i don’t think this will be enough for this language exchange program.
Nevertheless I am interested in knowing how it works and maybe can join in.

Count me in fo it.
My native language is spanish.
My grandson is a 3 years old boy.

I’m sure many of us from the forum could work something out.
It needn’t be formal or anything! lol lol We can contact one another according to the language we’re interested in, set up a day and date and try it out. If it works, great, if it doesn’t (we don’t feel comfortable, the babies don’t react well) we can try again later or try with another person.

Great idea! I am a professional language teacher and I can speak Japanese!

Looking for someone who can speak Spanish! Write me a message if you want to start a chat.