Practice holding breath under water to get smarter?

Below is a tip that Child Genius Minds emailed me. Although I don’t know if I agree with it because I knew a lot of swimmers (on the high school swim team, etc.) when I was younger and non of them seem like they were smarter than anyone else. Plus, I thought keeping oxygen from your brain for extending periods of time kills brain cells. Isn’t that a fact? I would love to know more about this theory. Anyway here it is:


Here’s a true story: In 1959, there was a boy who used to be at the bottom of the class. One summer, he spent several hours swimming under water and he easily shot up to the top of the class in the next term. He was Dr. Win Wenger, who became a creativity expert later in his life. He talked about this method in his book “The Einstein Factor - A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence”.

Dr. Robert Doman, medical director of the Philadelphia Institute for the Achievement of the Human Potential provided an explanation. He explained that underwater swimming increases the carbon dioxide content in the blood. This causes a signal to warn our bodies that our oxygen supply is in danger of being cut off. *

In response, the carotid arteries that carry blood to our heads dilate (widen) and allow more blood to flow through them, saturating our brains in an exceptionally rich flow of oxygenated blood. *

Play some under water swimming games with your child to boost your child’s IQ and creativity, it’s easy!

I came across this article on this holding your breath “Brainbubble Technique” and at the end of the article the author wrote this update:

Important Update: 29th December 2003: I’ve just received a very supportive email from… Win Wenger. Mr Wenger is the author of …“How To Increase Your Intelligence”, and “The Einstein Factor”…

“The Einstein Factor” devotes Chapter 11 to The Oxygen Factor, which discusses the BrainBubble technique in greater depth and clarity. Win asked me to stress to you that ‘masking and chair-based breath-holding simply don’t compare with underwater swimming’.

In the book, he explains why: “Underwater swimming stimulates what marine biologists call the mammalian diving response. When we dive, the body increases blood flow not only to the brain but to every other major organ as well. This response is common to all mammals and may partially explain why whales and dolphins - perhaps the champion breath holders of all time - have evolved brains as complex and powerful as our own.”

Win Wenger is very generous with his valuable information and I urge you to visit his site too and get his products. Here’s a link to his free ebook which gives richer details on underwater swimming and the BrainBubble technique made famous by Dr Yoshiro NakaMats and more so by Win Wenger: Two GUARANTEED Ways to Profoundly Increase Your Intelligence!

By the way, I would never advising doing this with a child. I only posted this for adult amusement/info.

It is interesting, if someone knows a child who was taught swimming as a baby (that’s basically diving), share your experience on their IQ, please :slight_smile: I met only one (he was 10 at the time) and he was smart…

I know kids with global developmental delays benefit cognitively and therefore in other ways like ability to move better by use of the HYPERBARIC CHAMBER.

It’s used a lot for autism spectrum disorders, but is very expensive. Researchers speculate in the paper that the oxygen flow to the brain is reduced in autistic children, a condition known as cerebral hypoperfusion, and the hyperbaric chamber is able to reverse that.
(This is where I see if I’ve figured out how to upload a youtube video!!) There’s quite a few videos there on this subject.

HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) increases the oxygen tissue concentration which increases cerebral blood flow to an area thus enabling the body to restore brain tissue metabolism of oxygen and nutrients, helping restoration of any areas which are suffering from hypoxia. New blood and oxygen begin to stimulate an area, especially one that has viable, recoverable brain cells that are “idling neurons” not knowing what to do instead of function normally. HBOT reduces swelling or excess fluid in the brain that might be pressing on centres of the brain which cause “confusion” in their function ability.

Hyperbaric Therapy is a specialized therapy that uses an increase in atmospheric pressure to allow the body to incorporate more oxygen into blood cells, blood plasma, cerebral-spinal fluid, and other body fluids. The Principle of HBO is simple. Increase the atmospheric pressure and get a
directly proportional increase in available oxygen. In other words, a twofold increase in pressure equals twice the available oxygen molecules to breathe.

At sea level the atmospheric pressure is 1ATA (14.7 psi or pounds per square inch), which allows the lungs to absorb a normal amount of oxygen from the air. At higher altitudes, the pressure drops and the lungs are not able to absorb as much oxygen from the air. This is why oxygen masks drop in an airplane at high altitudes – to increase the oxygen content due to the lack of pressure. The exact opposite happens at lower altitudes (below sea level). There, the pressure is greater (above 1ATA) and now the lungs can more easily absorb the oxygen, and at a greater volume.

LIKE DIVING!! You get more oxygen deeper underwater then you do normally on the ground we walk on. (So people who live high above sea level get less oxygen!!) Divers use hyperbaric chambers a lot.

To boost the oxygen concentration in oxygen chambers, supplemental oxygen may be added into hyperbaric chambers during treatment.
Doctors and therapists commonly use enriched oxygen or an oxygen concentrator to help supplement the oxygen.

Ok below is the link that explains 2 ways to increase intelligence by about 10 points. One is by practicing holding your breath under water and the other way, apparently even more effective, is Image Streaming (click on Part 4 at the bottom of the page):

Interesting. I’m going to take more baths. And get the older kids to have the occasional bath again (we all shower). And get them to the pool more. This underwater thing makes a lot of sense.
As for image streaming, I’ve had some aha! moments from dreams. The only one I can think of off-hand is that I dreamed my oldest child had cancerous moles (freckles) on her back, so I jotted down a drawing, checked her back (which I hadnt seen for a lot of years) and sure enough, the moles were as I saw them in my dream. I showed my doctor who said they werent anything to worry about, but I will continue to keep a close eye on them because it is too spooky a “co-incidence” that her freckles were exactly where I saw them to be.
Some might see that as ESP. I’ve had an ESP experience too, where a voice in my head alerted me to the fact that I (and my new baby) should not enter my house (it was night) as someone was waiting inside. (Told me to leave my gate open, then keep the baby in the car, then told me to put my hand against a particular back window, which caved inward…he had removed the window frame and all, climbed in, and put it back so everything looked undisturbed. I was able to run to the car and drive away). Unbeknownst to me there was a rapist loose in my area, who had already attacked a woman down the street in her shower, and 10 days after my house was broken into, a woman 6 doors away returned at night and was attacked, stabbed in the chest, raped and left for dead by a man hiding in her wardrobe.

Oh my God Nikita, are F-ing kidding me?! Listen girl, you listen to your intuition or esp or whatever it is - always!! Thank God you and baby were ok.

I didn’t read the part yet about Image Streaming. It should be interesting. I like this hold your breath stuff. It’s cool.

I’m serious, it was early 1996. Whoever was in the house when I drove off took the VCR and an electric guitar next to the front door which they escaped out of, cos silly me left the key in the deadlock! The guy has never been caught. I got post-traumatic stress from it and ended up having to move out. But that night my hubby said “what the heck, let’s make a baby” and my 2nd child was conceived… so that was a good outcome (he was depressed cos his guitar had been stolen… we thought it was a robbery at that stage.) It wasnt until later that I realised I’d actually seen the guy and his car parked outside my house previously, which had been observed in attacks and flashings at a local surf beach. So the guy was well aware that my husband worked afternoon shift, and took his opportunity the night I went out to a christian meeting, which I hadnt done at night before then. He must have been really patient, stalking me every night. I was thanking God at the time, as that’s what I put the voice down to…it wasnt my own voice, and I cant believe how I did everything so differently that night. I could’ve (usually would’ve) locked the gate, got bub out of the car, and walked into the house in the dark.

Ok, this is REALLY interesting for me, as you know Maldives, the country I live in, (was born and raised too ;)) is surrounded by the sea, its an archipelago so u can imagine, and one thing I lived with was my mother constantly telling me not to go into the sea too much as it can cause low intelligence, dislike for studying, ACTUALLY theres this word which I am trying to translate into, it also means you will find it hard to learn things, so as I was brought up in the capital which is more modern so without the normal beach whenever we go on picnic my mom will refuse to be in the sea for too long, and if in an island for a long time I wont be able to go the sea everyday! (dont worry I used to sneak in to it even at nights!)
So this is really interesting as this is exact opposite of what we were told and brought up to believe!!!
Personally I have never expereinced it or seen it among anyone I know, and I tell you, I am ADDICTED to the sea, and I know many who are really intelligent but wont let go of the sea!!!

The sea has got to be good for you, both physically and mentally because you are out of your own element. Anytime you are challenging your body to function outside it’s element you are presenting it with a rewarding exercise.

Also now that I think of it, its been quite a while since I had a swim, only once since I gave birth to Kyle!!! and I think my attention span has become way much shorter than it ever was, but I have regarded it as stress, but this could definitely add to it I guess if its really true!

Well, having a baby will do that to you. It’s called Baby Brain.

I am so forgetful since having my first baby

OMG Nikita, that’s so scary! It’s a good thing you guys moved out. I myself wouldn’t have stayed in the same place. TC

Interesting. I don’t know if this is just a myth or what. This is the first time I heard about this. I would say being in the sea or pool is good for your overall health becuase its an exercise. As we all know exercise, always boost our mood and energy. Well I might give this a try. lol

I don’t think I will be trying this with my baby so young. It seems like when your brain is in rapid growth like a baby it is much better to get as much air as the wants/needs and not to do any type of oxygen deprivation on purpose. For every baby it turns into a genius, I bet it gives 10 babies low level brain damage. It is probably good to start that around 5-6 years old though.

It wasn’t suggested to ever try on a baby or child. I started the thread because I thought it was an interesting bit of info for us adults. Personally I would never ask my child to hold her breath for an extended period of time, least of all under water.