I am participating in a project where my task will be to fill one page per month with something interesting kids (age 6+) can do in nature or with nature materials
Project will start in January.
As we do sprouting of this style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSt0DmAPDm4&feature=related , this will be our material for January.
We also do sunflower sprouting, with another method.
We have snowy winters here (N Europe), so part of activities should be indoors.
In spring, I would like to build bird observation shelter.
In summer, we will grow plants and observe wildlife.
I am already collecting leaves for something like this http://klab.lv/users/kihelkonna/384796.html#cutid1
Can you, please, recommend me ideas, experiments, links? I know that many of you have astonishing experience