Potty training - we've spent the whole morning in the bathroom!

OK. So I finally took the plunge and started potty training my son yesterday (he’s 2 years and 3 months). After his afternoon nap we took off his nappy and switched to pants. He had a few accidents, but each time he’s been able to reduce the amount he urinates, asks to go to toilet and finishes there. Last night he didn’t want to have a nappy on so we let him go bare - I checked him before I went to bed and he was already wet but was happy enough to sleep through anyway…

This morning he’s had two accidents but now seems to be getting it and is saying “toilet” before he needs to go to the bathroom. The problem is that the visits are extremely frequent. We’ve been to the bathroom, come back to the living room and within a few seconds he needs to go to the bathroom again! This has happened six or seven times in the space of half an hour! Is this normal? I’ve tried to make him sit there for longer but it makes no difference! :confused:

Hi km276

I “sort-off” started to potty train my 22 month old daughter. Just the few times she sat on the potty or toilet for those long times have broken my spirit a bit. I’m not one for sitting still for so long - unless I’m in front of the PC of course lol - and especially not in the TOILET!!

I think they enjoy having ALL our attention while we sit with them; as we’re not busy with anything else and thus they like to sit frequently and for so long!! That’s my opinion anyway :rolleyes:

All the best!!

I have spent my fair share of mornings in the bathroom with frequent trips up the stairs to try to make it to the potty in time. Since I am 7 months pregnant that quickly becomes quite uncomfortable for me. My current solution is that I put a potty in my office next to my desk. When my daughter needs to sit on the potty I put one of her DVDs on for her - she gets to sit as long as she likes while watching a DVD, and I get to sit in my comfortable chair and get a few minutes at my computer. She is 16 months and I haven’t changed a messy diaper in a couple months now - so it is working! We are still working on the wet ones…

I started potty training for my daughter when she was 20 months old. We had the same experience too. She would go there so frequent like 6 times within 30 minutes. I think she just wanna make sure. After few weeks later, she was alright. She is 2 yrs 3 1/2 months now and she is doing fine. She would only go toilet whenever she needs, probably every hr. Even at nights, we are not using diapers anymore. She use to be able to wake us up if she needs to pee at night, but i think it is so cold right now in winter, and she will just wet the bed. So, I set my alarm clock to ring twice (at night and early in the morning), to take her to the toilet before any accidents, and it is working. Sometimes, she would wake up before the clock rings to ask to go to the toilet. I think it will be fine, dont worry.

Hi All,

Thanks for your replies. I was getting concerned there was something wrong with my son! He’s already visiting the bathroom much less frequently and he had been doing brilliantly - dry except first thing in the morning :smiley: until yesterday… :frowning: He had a few accidents yesterday and wet the bed twice last night. Perhaps he just isn’t ready for nappy free nights yet - I think we’ll start using pull-ups at night…Today is a new day and I’m planning our first trip out of the house!

Yikes! My son is 23 months old and this whole topic makes my hands sweat. I joke that I’d be happy changing diapers until he is 5! I know that’s not true, but toilet training has me so anxious! I don’t think that I’m ready…I don’t think he is either, but I am still at the “gulp” and avoidance stage! What a committment you moms are making right now! I know I’ll be in the same boat as you in a few weeks/months from now :slight_smile: Thanks for your encouraging stories!

I’ve started potty training my kids since 6-7mnth (once they sat up) and usually established a set of potty times throughout the day while they still wore diapers in-between. It’s a no sweat policy as you have the advantage of both getting them to go potty and not having to clean up. The big stuff usually comes after sleep or meal, so by 9mnth I would hardly ever get a stinky diaper. For pee-pees try every half hour for a day and you’ll see how many times he/she will actually go (potty or diaper) and adjust accordingly. Joining me in the bathroom worked well for my kids, though I drink a lot and don’t have a strong bladder lol . No diaper time usually comes in the summer and happened between1.5 and 2 for my kids. Diaper free nights at 2.5-4. Don’t stress, they won’t stay in diapers forever :slight_smile: though it helps greatly if they are not left in messy/full ones for long enough to get used to the feeling :wink: .
For potty training older kids (2 and up) the counsel I’d have is to choose a stay at home week-end, give them lots to drink (like apple juice) and take them potty every 15 min or when they ask. They should get the point fairly quickly.
Lots of trips to start with was a good sign -he was exercising his new found “controls” -release and stop at will (like trying again to see what comes after a few minutes) If he is a deep sleeper nighttime might have to wait till his bladder develops more or you have to wake him (I am not a proponent of this method until the kid is older and it’s embarrassing to be in diapers)
cheers to all and success in potty training! :slight_smile:

I’m doing the same as Nikolett. I introduced the potty at 12mo for my daughter and was trying to put her on there at different times. It wasn’t very succesful and she was getting frustrated having to sit when she was in the walking process… and my timing was never a good guess :blush: so I brought the potty back at 17 months and she wears almost no nappy during the day (granted, we have tiles everywhere :-). She usually lets me know: I either run to sit her down when she’s too busy playing :slight_smile: but recently she has started sitting on her own (with her underpants still on :rolleyes: ) then quickly stands up to congratulate herself and clap! So far it’s a pretty stress-free process… Hoping to have her completely out of nappies during the day (including outings) in the next few months.

On my husbands advice I opted to give my son a bit more time with the night time training - and he woke up dry today!!! Yey! :biggrin:

Yesterdays trip out was also a success, all be it a short one. I know there will probably be accidents from time to time but I feel so relieved that he’s cracked it!
