Potty Training- she likes to sit but not pee

Since she was 12 months old my daughter has sat on the toilet (usually my idea) on her special toilet seat and read books, etc, and loves it. She’s now almost 18 months old. However she will not pee or poop on it! It seems she waits to be back in her diaper to do it as lots of times she goes within an hour after she get her diaper back on. She knows it’s for pee and poop, as she watches me, and we have a Big Bear potty book we read on the potty sometimes, we put the poop from her washable diaper in the potty after we change it…what else can I do? Everyone else says ‘she’ll go when she’s ready.’ Is that really it?

I was thinking of getting a potty dvd, and saw one recommended on here that looked good called Potty Power.

She likes wearing underwear. Should I just leave her in it and try to catch when she pees and bring her to the potty? Or let her see that her underwear is wet and talk about the potty? Would this be humiliating? I don’t want to humiliate her or anything.

My daughter is 16 months old and has been using the potty for a month. She certainly does wee or poo either on the potty or the toilet when I take her, but we have a communicatin problem so I still have to take her there regularly. She also likes wearing her panties, and is very aware when she wees in her pants. All the literature that I have read suggests that potty training only starts when a child is 18 months old, so hang in there and just keep showing her want to do :smiley:
My son wore nappies at night until he was 3. They were always dry, but if I took them off he would wee in his bed.

Hi! I have had babies that liked to cooperate, and other that didn’t when I was potty training them. I just found this book, Potty training your baby : a practical guide for easier toilet training by Warren, Katie, at the library. There was much I had already been doing, but it also had some good tips. And I like that they reminded me to always make it a positive experience.

When I potty trained some at a young age (birth to a few months) they seemed to catch on faster. With my 3rd, I just waited until he wanted to train (it took him 3 years) and decided I liked the early training method better. lol When my 4th was a baby, I would take him, but then I stopped for a while. I think I restarted when he was around 12 months. At first he would stand (boy style) and act like he was trying to go, but nothing would happen. Thankfully, he had 3 brothers, and I would have them go, one by one, and by the time the 3rd went, he would be relaxed enough to go. (I know this might not help with a girl, but the point is that if they aren’t used to going “on their command” it might take some practice to figure it out.)

Have you tried running water, or dipping her hands in warm water as she sits? Sometimes that helps trigger the urge to go. Does she know how to go? Does she know how to control her body when you say pee or poop? You can let her play in a empty bathtub naked (make sure it is warm) and when she starts going you can say something like, “Look honey, you’re going pee!” and sound cheerful, like she accomplished something. This can help her identify the action with the word (she may know from watching you, but feeling her body do it is different).

If it is just a matter of the will (Oh, but if she can hold it a whole hour, it probaby means she didn’t need to go then), then I would say stop for a few weeks and try again later. Perhaps read the book mentioned above, while you wait. Then start again.

By the way, my youngest liked having his privacy when he went. For a while, he would poo in his diaper right after I took him to the potty. :tongue: The next time, I pretended not to pay attention (actually, I was cleaning my bathroom mirror and sink), and he went.

He is now 14 month and will go if I take him. But he still has accidents, and he isn’t big on communicating to me. (He isn’t big on communicating anything.) So, I still have to guess and take him. And I do what many say not to do. I have a sweet japanese cracker (the size of a big pea that melts in his mouth) that I give him if he goes. I started doing this when he went on a potty strike. I like it because I don’t have to clean as many messes, and he likes it, too. Isn’t it a win win situation? (I wash my hands, and I just put the treat in his mouth, so he isn’t touching it.)

I could go on an on, but I’ll stop. :blush: Your baby will catch on soon. Don’t stress, be happy and enjoy the process. :slight_smile:

My daughter is 15 months old and I have not begun potty training with her - in fact I do not have a potty for her yet. She has recently started telling us when she has pooed in her nappy so we can change it and besides being able to take her pants off herself (and her nappy - sigh) she is not otherwise ready to potty train yet. I have seen children who are potty trained early and late and I do not think it makes much difference to them - it is us mothers who want it done sooner for financial reasons and to make life easier I suppose.

I am expecting to start potty training with my daughter from about 18 months of age give or take a couple of months.

With both of my children, I take them to the toilet (holding the legs while I sit backwards), first thing in the morning and when I change diapers. The rest of the day they are in their diapers. Sometimes when I’m up to it, I would leave the diapers off and put underwear on. If there’s an accident, just wipe it off the floor and change them. Just matter-of-fact, no stress on either party.

My son was potty trained from 2, he stopped pooping in his diaper from a few months of age (5 months maybe). My daughter is the same, she poops about 2-3 times a day, but almost never in the diaper. She would wait till I take off her diaper, sit her on the toilet, then go. It has been so easy. There is no toilet training stage really, so no stress.

Mi nena tiene 1 año y medio, empece a sentarla al potty a los 9 meses, al principio le gustaba pero luego que otra mujer la cuido por unos dias y la dejaba sentada mucho tiempo le quito ganas de sentarse en el potty. Si no fuera por eso. ella ya habria dejado los pañales. Lo que hice es comenzar de nuevo, trato de que el tiempo que esta en el potty sea divertido, hace pipi pero no consigo que haga dudu. Creo que va a ser cuestion de tiempo, pero creo que es importante empezar desde temprano asi ellos lo asocian mas rapido.