potty training question

Has anyone tried the Pull Ups that feel cool when the child has an accident? I don’t quite trust my dd enough to wear panties when we are out in public, but I don’t want her feeling she can just go in her diaper, so I am wondering if this would help.

From everything I’ve heard disposable pull-ups hinder the potty training process because the diaper feels dry the child won’t associate the sensation of peeing with feeling wet. I bought some Gerber cloth pull ups from Target and they were surprisingly affordable. They are made from cotton have just enough padding to absorb small accidents. You could also get some inexpensive covers to go over them if you expect bigger accidents. There are also fancier cloth pull-ups available that have a water resistant cover built in, more padding, pockets to customize the absorbency or side snaps to make cleaning up poop accidents easier. Some of the diapers can get expensive, but if you expect to need a diaper at night for awhile it might a more cost effect option in the long run. I don’t have experience with the other brands so I can’t recommend something, but diaperswappers .com has a forum where you can get lots of advice. One caveat, if you do invest in diapers, some diaper creams can cause build up in cloth diapers. Look for diaper creams designed for cloth diapers. If your diapers do get build up they can be stripped by running them through a super hot wash. Some people recommend temporarily turning up the water heater then turn it back down when the wash is complete. Good luck!

I like to use a pair of panties inside a pull-up during long outings where I am worried about accidents. The cotton panties help separate my dd bottom from the plastic and helps her (and me) know when she is wet, and the pull up absorbs any accidents. Funny thing is usually when I do this, she arrives home dry. Of course, then I try just the panties and she has an accident!

Thanks, great ideas ladies. Panties under her pullups is a great idea for now, & if she’s not ready when I’m done the bag I just bought, I’ll have to drag out the cloth I guess. Cross your fingers for me that it isn’t neccesary :smiley: .

The cold things didn’t work for us and neither did pull-ups. We also tried the underwear under the pull-ups didn’t phase him. We just cold turkey took away the diapers. He had control. He just needed to want to go potty. He finally got over his fear or whatever was holding him back. Hopefully the new baby on the way will not disrupt things. A few messes in public I think helped. We’ve only been at this for a couple weeks and no messes lately. It took about a week to get mess free, but only couple days to get him going potty with a few accidents. Now he proclaims he is done with diapers.

Do you give her naked time, and if so will she use the potty?

Yes that is what convinced Colin to use the potty, was he naked for a couple of days. After that he was fine with his underwear on.

I heard some kids like the cold feeling and pee on purpose with those type

I have to admit that I’m hesitant to give her naked time with our brand new hardwood floors. :blush: I have let her wear panties only, although with the end of the school year, I find we are so busy running to my other dd’s events that it seems like we are hardly at home. As soon as thing slow down I’m going to try letting her go naked outside. I’d like to set a few days aside to really focus on pottying & perhaps that will help. She is very good about going when we put her on the potty, I’m just not sure if she really realizes that she shouldn’t go elsewhere yet.

Thank for the ideas!

I never did naked time and my son was completely potty trained a few months after 3 night time too.(took so long because he had dietary issues that made it hard for him) So naked time is not the only way to train