Potty Training - How do you clean the potty??


I’ve started potty training for my 9.5 months old son. I was wondering how to clean the potty after the baby has done pee / poo in it.

I usually rinse the potty…wash out the pee / poo in the toilet…wash it thoroughly again and keep it some time with hot water and few drops of Dettol.

I was wondering whether this is enogh or I should use any specific cleaning liquid to disinfect it? I know some people wipe it with anti-bacterial wipes…is it necessary if I am using Dettol??

I rince it and use GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) to spray disinfect it. Since we do not use chemicals in our household.

Skylark, you are my hero! :smiley: We are probably about half way there with reducing chemicals. It’s so hard to break habits you grew up with.

Well, you are doing it, and that what matters! Lots of people get discouraged just thinking it is too hard, but in reality it is not. What is hard is trying to initially figure out how to replace it, once you are doing it, you realize how simple ( and cheap too) it can be :slight_smile: I had to go that route due to severe allergies, because of chemical exposures as a child. Did not want my children to suffer that :nowink:

OMG … Potty training!! :confused:

It will disgusting milestone for me!!!l
I love love my LO but The smell of her poo … :frowning: :confused:


Isn’t it too soon for potty training? LO is around 10 months and I’ve never thought of this before.
How do you know when is the time for poo/pee? :unsure:

Our girl used potty since 2 weeks old exclusively, our boy used it since about 3 weeks, but we do use diapers for him off and on ( he is 12 months).

Ella87, don’t worry about potty, it is more dirty to take care of diapers, potty is pretty straightforward and no mess. If you have used diapers on your girl, it is better then to wait and see when she is ready to be potty trained, it would be a huge change for her, and you as a mommy would need to make it as smooth as possible - do not pressure her, encourage, cheer her up, praise her for little victories and in no way feel like you have to do it by certain age, work with your baby! You will do great, I know it!

I dump the potty in the toilet and spray it with a vinegar/water solution, swirl and dump that and let it air dry. I wouldn’t use antibiotic wipes - we’re creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria because we use that kind of things too much.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions / feedback

@Ella - I potty trained my son since he was 2-3 weeks…basically every diaper change, I would encourage him to put pressure on his tummy by making specific sounds like uhh uhh…it sounds funny but kids try to immitate ur action and soon realize to put pressure on tummy and do poo / pee…the result was that my son soon understood that he should try to do poo / pee every diaper change…From the 1st month, he would do potty first thing in the morning as soon as I would remove his diaper and say uhh. Anyways, now that he is sitting properly I’m training him to do it in the potty instead to do it on the used diaper…I agree with Skylark, we still need diapers as kids can’t control their bowl movements like adults…I’ll take it away gradually. In any case, I’ll keep the night diapers at least till the time he is able to control his bowl movement and is able to communicate properly.

I feel the earlier you train the kids, it’s better…as they become old, it’s hard to break old habits.

I also make utmost use of the potty time by showing him flashcards. He is a very active child and doesn’t want to sit at one place…the oly time he sits at one place is when I put him on potty lol

@ Nams our girl never used diapers since 2 weeks, and have not had problems waiting when we needed to stop the car in order to get her on the potty, or get to the bathroom at the mall and such, with our boy we just were not as much on the ball as with her :frowning: , so we ended up using cloth diapers off and on with him. So using dippers was not because not being able to control their bowel movement, but rather because he had to be with daddy when I worked and daddy sometimes forgot to pay attention to his asking to go potty :slight_smile: But we are not making big deal about it, and happy when he does use potty.

What I have mentioned about diapers, is that if baby was trained to use diapers and not potty from the very beginning, we need to be sensitive and gentle as we introduce potty to them, as that is a major retraining right there, and we can not put pressure on them, but rather explain, encourage and take it at baby’s pace

Congratulations on potty training from early age. It is interesting how you’ve done it, good tips. With us, our girl just was too clear in communicating and it turned out so much easier to put her on the potty then do diapers :yes: she loved it too and I agree with you, potty time is our favorite time for activities!

Very Funny lol. I like it . Thanks for sharing these funny training steps with me.