Potty Training a BOY need help

I have 2 children but this is my first to potty train. We tried at 18 months and it went well but with no success, so I waited and am trying again now that he is almost 2 years old. I need some suggestions on where to place his potty, and If I should use a potty chair or the potty inserts. I have read and read threads here and websites but I need some more info. I don’t think I am doing it regular enough? some say 15 minutes after a meal some say 20 minutes? Some say place potty in bathroom, some say in his room, some say near the diaper station?
My toddler is taller then average so the potty chair that we got for him for Christmas is a little to little, and the ones that I can find are about the same, any suggestions? Should we use the potty insert?
I know my son is ready but I just need to know how to be? Should a male his daddy help me out with this adventure on demostrating what actually to do

From my experience with boys, I was the one who potty trained them… when they are only little then always sitting is probably a good (tidy) idea… Daddy helped out later if we needed to make an emergency stop outside somewhere, or just to show them later that they can stand also (they have to be a certain height to the toilet anyways for this to really be an option for them, no?) I’ve heard of people putting potties in more convenient places… maybe it’s a good idea if the toilet is not so accessible (through a safety gate or up some stairs), or if there is only one toilet in the house and several people (no one likes line-ups when it’s urgent!)… but I always prefer to keep the bathroom stuff happening in the bathroom! I’ve got 4 of my kids toilet-trained now and none of them used a potty chair. They were all a little bit older (closer to 3)… but I would just hold them and that worked fine for them… (and much easier for me!) I think when they are littler, then sometimes they are a little nervous of the big toilet, and to be successful they really do need to be relaxed, eh? But I would give it a try on the big toilet if possible because, like I said, that is a lot easier and quicker to get the bathroom business done… try an insert if they are nervous about it. Just relax about it… they all do eventually get it. I was sure one of mine would never get it… but then he turned 4 and declared himself a “big boy” and a week later the whole toilet-training business was a done-deal.

Thanks, we started out with the insert because his potty made red marks on his legs. He didn’t seem confortable, but the big potty became troublesome because I had to keep picking him up over the baby gate then onto the potty. My back got sore quick. But I think that would be a way to start again. He when playing around the house he squats to pee in his diaper and says done when finished so I thought his potty would work but so far it seems to uncomfortable. Maybe I will stick with the insert again. I am going to see if I can find a more comfortable insert, after all we have to use the inserts when we go to church anyway.

I hate pooty chairs! :tongue: I don’t like having to clean out the little bucket that they “go” in.

I always use the inserts, that way they don’t feel like they are going to fall in. I also like to use a step stool or something that they can rest their feet on.

It’s also a good idea to stick to regular underwear, not the disposables. I think it helps them get the idea faster. Once I start I use regular undies while at home and disposables while sleeping or out of the house.

I also just set the timer for every 15-30 minutes and give them a quick try on the toilet. If he wants off right away I let him and try again later. I am also all for bribing, what ever it takes :rolleyes:

Just remember that every boy will be different. My first boy took forever, he was almost four by the time I would call him potty trained. My second boy only took about two weeks right after he turned two and he was a potty master. :smiley:

My youngest (boy) is 19 months now so I will be joining you soon in the wonderful task of potty traing again. :wacko:

I meant potty chairs! lol

Heee! i didn’t see that. lol No problem.