potting training

Hello everyone,

i am a new mom i have a toddler she’s 15 month old, i started with potty training about a month and half ago… i bought her the singing potty it worked for a 2 weeks then she doent want to do it anymore on it…so i went and got her the potty seat she loves it :D:D its been like a month and we were doing great she knows when its (pepe and Kaka) but like a week ago she refuse to get on the potty!!! >:( >:( >:(
i need help what do i need to do now any IDEAS.
thanks alot


Relax. That would be my advice. I find Potty Learning very frustrating for me, and I must constantly remind myself that IT isn’t about me. Relax, it will come, and your dd will learn when she is ready.

I have been practicing Elimination Communication since my dd was 5 weeks old. I know she knows all about the potty, what is for, how to use, when to use it, etc, and yet… there are days sometimes even weeks when she simply REFUSES to have anything to do with it. The more I focus on it, the more frustrated I am about it, the less happy the relationship with my dd is. If I relax and take it in stride, at least everyone is happier.

Luckily right now we are having a good few days and dd has used the potty many many times in the last few days.

I wish you more success than me. And I am sorry the only advice I can provide is to relax. If I had better strategies, perhaps my dd would be trained!

Hey ghina,
I think I once read something on babycenter.com about training that helped me. Matbe it will help you.
They call it a potty training weekend. It’s like a toilet training boot camp.
Basically, you set aside 3 days where you and a partner in training concentrate on training. You offer plenty of salty snacks and water( to encourage peeing) and let the fun begin. :wub:
The kiddo runs around bare buns so they can run right to the potty themselves, and every time they go you make a big thing of it. It helps if you have a silly potty song and dance to do every time they get even a little bit in the potty. You might feel foolish at first, but whatever works, right? If your little one has an accident you gently remind them that pee-pee or poo-poo or whatever you call it goes in the potty, and have them help you clean it up. That way they will understand that we can’t have it on the floor.
The best thing to use for accidents on carpet is pet stain remover. You can find it in the pet section at your local supermarket.
I used this and it really works. It takes away all stain and smell. I used a brand called OUT! It’s made of natural enzymes that break down the stain and odor.
After a few days of this my daughter really got the hang of it and could run to the potty herself, plop down, and even give a good attempt at wiping. Then she would yell,“Yeah!!” to congratulate herself and join in our potty dance.
I think concentrating on training makes it seem like a big deal and not just a nuissance that interupts playtime.
My husband and I brought Emma with us to the bathroom when we went (to show her how it’s done) and even did the potty dance for each other. I can see why she liked it. I felt like a champ every time I peed. :biggrin:
The idea of not having to wear any pants delighted my toddler. That was a real plus with potty training, however it became very hard to get her back into her pants after she experienced her newfound freedom. lol She ran whenever I told her it was time to put on pants so we could go out.
When you do go out of the house during the potty training weekend make sure you know where the bathrooms. The kiddo wears lightweight pants. No taining pants or diapers. It may confuse them, or make them feel it is ok to wet them. Basically you want to make outings brief with the goal of getting home dry. Make abig deal about that too, and constantly communicate. You know, “If you need to use the potty tell Mommy, and we’ll go.”
My daughter and I play “where is the restroom?” when we get to a place and search for it. She thinks this is a lot of fun and it reminds her to tell me if she needs to go.
Make sure to have extra clothes on hand for you and your child and your partner, too.
I got peed on once during our training. I had clean pnts for Emma, but not for me so it ended up looking like i wet my pants! :rolleyes:
Above all, be positive. Tell your child how proud you are every time they use the potty. Get everyone who loves them involved, too.
When we visit the Grands I exclaim how well Emma is doing on the potty, then they join in, telling her what a big girl she is.
After the weekend stay with your efforts. That means the babe goes pantless at home and wears lightweight pants when outside. No training pants. Leggings like Babylegs brand are good if it’s chilly.
After 2 weeks of this my girl had it down. She even gets up in the night to go potty if needs be. At first we put a diaper on only for nighttime. We explained each time we put it on that Emma was big now and only wore diapers at night because the pee might come out when she is sleeping. After a week of her being dry all day, we left the diaper off at night. She had a couple accidents, but after that she got up to use the potty.
We always use the potty after meals, before we leave the house, before bed, and any time she wants.
I got peed on, scrubbed some poop from the carpet and washed a lot of clothes and sheets for a few weeks. What a small price to pay to have my daughter potty trained. she has been dry for 2 weeks! Hooray!!!
I hope this helped. Do what works for you. Good Luck!

Hi Guys,
thank you so much for the advice and for the Ideas :clown:
Khatty i do need to RELAX! i will keep that in mind everytime Gharam doesnt use her POTTY :tongue:
MonkeyNose your Ideas are wonderful i do make a big deal when she does #2 i even show her and she tells it BYE BYE KAKA
we dont do the dance i think that would be the next step.
thank you guys again…i’ll let u know what happens next


thank you MonkeynoseMomma for the babycenter.com website - I have a preschooler who refuses to go to the potty (we think it’s because he has a baby brother) and I will try what this website says about potty training 3 to 4 year olds. there are other useful topics that I can also use for my baby too - what a very informative website! :slight_smile:

Here is the link to EC ( Elimination Communication) Forum Thread from Mothering.com


There are some great tips there for EC and potty training, some people who did it for a while and with multiple babes, so you can also ask questions. I thought there are some good tips there, and experiences of different parents. POtty training experiences there range from birth to a few years, so there is something for everyone.

I personally learned that potty training is about communication. Babies are eager to be understood, and if they realise that they are, it gives them thrill, andf they are more eager to do it again. I agree with others about making a big deal of successes. Little ones love to make their parents happy, so when they see what made you happy and connect it, they will be more likely to do it again.

These are just a couple simple observations. I am sure, if you just relax, and take it as it comes. And praise your little one for successes, you will see steady progress. Stressing out, will make it more difficult, and might even slow down the process I think.

Hope it helps.

if you can teach your baby other things you can teach them to go potty. Every baby is different.
Here is what I do I take my 14 months old to potty and she poos every time .
Basically I have timed her routine and I know her clues.She does not pee all the time so she is still using the diaper but she poos few times . :biggrin:

Thanks to MonkeyNoseMomma for the advise. My son is 5 months old. Eventually I will have to deal with this phase. I will keep this in mind!

Hi wintermommy,
U can start to ‘potty train’ your son fr now! Let him use the potty before and after meal or at least 3 times a day. I started since my son is 2-3month old and now he seldom poo in the diapers esp when we go out, so far never poo since 4 mths. And when make the shhh shh sound he will pass urine. This is for them to get use to the clean feeling and in future u can toilet train very easily.

MonkeyNoseMomma thank you for great advice, I will definitely give it a try when it gets warmer

I’m so glad I have actually posted something folks found helpful. What a good feeling! :biggrin:

I have a 16 months old baby and she likes to go potty…we started to training her probably 3.5 weeks ago, everytime after breakfast I will tell her Catalina let’s go “pepe” and I will make the bathroom sign for her, and she will set in the potty chair for 10 minutes, while she is sitting there I am singing to her, reading books, playing with bracelets(she loves them, she is really girly) putting then in ther foot or her hands…just keep her busy and she will sucesfully do 'pepe" , I will get so excited, clap to her, call dady in the phone, give her one sticker, and dance with her… she likes it…We do this everytime time after breakfast and dinner. And she will go “pepe”.
At the second week she started asking me for potty, making the sign barthroom, and she goes potty.
Yesterday she made the sign potty as usual so we go to the batrhoom sit her up in the potty chair…and after seconds she goes “pepe”.

Today she impressed me: she was in potty chair after 5 minutes she got up and letf the bathroom without potty,(I DON’T FORCE her to sit in the potty chair, whenever she decides to leave the bathroom is fine) I followed her to her bedroom and she started playing and seconds later she makes the sign potty again and she starts going pepe in the carpet a little bit( I didn’t say anything) and then she start making the sign again and she started to run to the bathroom ,she set up in the potty chair and finish going “pepe”. I couldn’t believe she hold it from her bedroom to the bathroom…My husband was in shock!!

My advice to all potty training moms, is to buy the simplest potty chair because I think we need to focuse on teaching them this is the potty chair and is not the play chair,other ways they will think is just an other toy. That is what I think. I bought for her the simplest 3 in 1 potty chair in wallmart, not musical, not paper toilet think, no flushing toilet thing…etc.
Then never force them to sit in the potty chair other ways they think that they have to do it and it not fun for them.
I know 10 minutes is long time for them in the chair…that is why I keep her busy with different activities, and I keep telling her mommy will read a book while you go potty.
She loves duck, I always keep a duck handy in the bathroom and tell her ,look the duck want to go potty to, the duck want to sit down next to you…and I make the “pepe” sound.

It is a long process but it is a BIG commitment for parents to, you have to do it everyday at the same time…it is just part of the activities you do with them.
Good luck…I have to keep up …I have long miles to go still.

my son has no even been bon n my moher hs already iving me a training toilet, is it possible to train a baby befoe two? i dont want to think abo the pssible messes, isnt i bettr to let thm go n heir diaper. i a bby cant si up why would they b able to understand abot uing the toilet, tink my moher is being silly.

My mother say I was potty train by 8 months old!!

our baby is using potty since a few days old, so it is totally possible… She loves it too, and definetly it was hers and not ours idea :slight_smile: Potty time is a highlight of her day, she is the happiest little thing doing it, and since she is not using diapers it makes it so much easier, - no messes, no diaper rush… So it is definetly worth the try, I think it is easier when you start earlier…

Here is the link to EC ( Elimination Communication) Forum Thread from Mothering.com


Ithink there are some good advice and tips from those who did it, or actually had to potty train in infancy or even older…

It’s possible, read a little about Elimination Communication