Hi all,
Here’s something which I’ve been wanting to share with you all for some time. Those of you who are familiar with alternative health remedies might have already come across it in relation to curing a whole range of illnesses, including cancer and AIDS. Others who rely on mainstream media for your news will almost certainly not have heard of it. (Not going to get into why that’s so! )
It’s a substance called MMS, which stands for Master Mineral Solution. It’s essentially a chlorine dioxide (NOT chlorine!) solution that seems highly effective in killing all sorts of pathogens, including cancerous cells.
I too have used it before to quickly get rid of colds (thankfully I’ve not had anything more serious to get rid of).
More recently, I was referred by the founder Jim Humble to the works being done by Kerri Riviera using MMS (and other substances) to, apparently, cure autism! I was intrigued and wrote to Kerri. She was busy writing a book about it so I figured I would wait till she was ready to go public with it before telling you all. Here’s the email she wrote to me:
My book is my protocol that I used to recover 21 children in 16 months. This piece is very important. MMS is very good at healing autism because autism is
Heavy metals
Food allergies
MMS kills
MMS neutralizes heavy metals
MMS reduces inflammation by neutralizing the pH
MMS helps with allergies by boosting the immune system and killing pathogens in the gut that cause the dysbiosis there and 60 to 70% of the immune system is there.
MMS is a low potency oxidizer. It is incapable of damaging healthy cells. It is similar to oxygen and ozone, they are all 3 oxidizers. But MMS is the least powerful yet it is able to go deeper into the tissue which is important to us in autism.
Yes, you can send me people. And I can answer questions. I just can’t write a book and do the stats to convince people to try to cure their kids with mms. Plus, my protocol is MMS with other things like diet, magnetic clay, gaba, theralac, L-carnitine, omega 3 6 9 vegan, diatomaceous earth, digestive enzymes, hyperbarics…things like that. MMS alone doesn’t cure autism. We need to do a few other steps. Autism is complicated yet we do understand what it is that we need to do. Smaller children recover quicker than older children.
Best wishes,
By now, around 40 kids have apparently recovered from or made huge improvements with autism. She started to come out with the info and as expected, there was immediate controversy.
If you’re interested in this area, please read up about it. Here are some links to get you started.
Recent controversy:
About MMS in general:
(btw, Jim Humble’s “church” is a non-religious church. I believe he had to set it up as a way to avoid legal liability.)
And lastly, a personal request from me. MMS has also recently been under attack by the FDA, pursuing a MMS maker and seller, Daniel Smith.
Thankfully, due to the support of the MMS community, it caught the attention of the US Observer who responded:
Here’s their take on MMS:
However, they are still under attack and require funds to defend. If you feel so inclined, please help the cause and make a donation.