popular songs for babies (Spanish)


I have been on holidays and while I was with my little babygirl I remembered some songs, very popular here in Spain: Había una vez un barquito, Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul, Debajo de un botón. I have found a blog where you can find many popular songs of my country, if you are interested in the language learning process of your baby in my native language. I am always singing English lullabies, but I must confess that I have beautiful songs in Spanish too. A lot of nice memories!!! :wub:


I hope it helps someone.

This is great, thank you! Panama doesn’t have a great heritage in terms of children’s literature & music… it’s such a shame. I was so proud to be British when “literature” was featured in the Olympics opening ceremony…

Anyway… the 1 children’s song that I have been taught by a local goes something like:

El payaso Pin Pin si pintó la nariz y a las 5 minutos se hizo achiss…

Hay algun otro versiculo que conoces?


Hello Louis!!

I have found a link where you can watch a video with the song that you are looking for:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YSbBoMg8bk&feature=fvwrel I have to confess that I have never listened to this song in my life… :wacko: I had to look for it on internet.

How old is your baby? When did you start with LR? My baby likes LR a lot. She sees two sessions and giggles. lol I am trying to use all the English resources that I have and buy.

Thanks Nuria, I guess I had a Colombian version of the song. Apparently there is a verse about un ratoncito en un kimono… I’ll have to have a look on the internet or ask around a bit more.

My little boy is 22 months & I don’t think he’s excelling at too much yet except being absolutely adorable. He’s at such an interesting stage, I love watching him learn & I just love spending time with him; no one else can hold a candle to him :laugh: We started with LR at around Christmas last year but we had to stop for 2 months due to some upheavals so we’re not as far along as I would have hoped … He loves it though.

I’m the opposite, I’m trying to get as much (quality) Spanish materials as I can, for teaching reading. I found a pharmacy here that sells nice books very cheaply, & of course I avoid the shipping so I stock up whenever i see a new title, but most are translations from English. I have my husband’s spanish verb flash cards from when he was taking a course that I’m using with my little boy + a couple of Spanish kids CDs + gbp.org/salsa . We are fortunate though in that he is fully immersed in Spanish as the 2nd language as my husband & I are the only 2 who can speak English to him.


Yes, I suppose that your version is a different version. I suppose, someone will help you to find the version that you want. :laugh:

You are very lucky that your baby can be in a bilingual environment. My baby is not so lucky, for this reason I am going to try to find a lot of interesting and funny material to help her in her English language learning development. It is very important for me. I have studied different languages but I am not in a place where people speak another language except Spanish. I would to have to go to the South. I have learnt three languages: English, French and German. For example, I studied French two years and nowadays, I remember only some numbers, days of the week… >:( >:( German: 5 years, good marks. I do not practise and I am forgetting it… :tongue: I want my pretty babygirl learn my native language, English and Spanish. We are Spanish. I try to speak to her in English as much as possible. In the morning, when I wake up, it is impossible… or when she cries and cries.

She is now six months and I am preparing a schedule for this month. Before, I was only preparing her. It is true, it is lovely to see babies´actions. She is very cheerful, always smiling. lol lol lol lol