Popping in to say Hi Everyone!

Hi, popping by to introduce myself. I am a homeschooling mum of 3 girls, Lucy 10, Shania 9, and Holly 2and3months. We live in England, and recently discover LittleReader, which I think is a wonderful program, simple to use and not overbearing.
My 2 yr old is not yet talking, although she is babbling and saying a few words, she doesnt repeat anything or point and say eg cup, drink etc. She,s going for an ear test next week to ruleout any deafness. Also she hardly makes any eye contact, so hoping that little reader will get her attention. Shania my 9 year old is struggling to learn to read, as she has learning difficulties, so again, believe this great program will benefit her as well. So enough babbling on, bye bye for now


Welcome to the forum! It’s great to have you here, look forward to seeing you around.

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here. Please browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you, and let us know if you need any help. We hope to hear more from you soon.