Poll TEST to view options

This is a TEST to see if the option continue correct.
They shoul be:

  • This is choice 1.
  • This is choice 2.
  • This is choice 3.
  • This is choice 4.
  • This is choice 5.

Thanks for choosing ANY option.

This seems to be working just fine. I’ll funnel in a couple more votes to see if it will work as well.

In the meantime, for the polls which you have found changed or erroneous, please edit them asap to correct the entries and the choices. This will allow you get real votes in as we figure this mystery out.


Also, in case you need to reset your poll votes back to 0, you may do this by clicking on the “Edit Poll” link.
Notice that at the bottom of the Edit Poll screen, there’s an option called “Reset Vote Counts” – just tick the box beside this and then Save your changes :wink:

Ok, I’ll try to do that but what i am noticing is that people usually do not respond to POLLS. i can not understand why because it is very easy, just choose an option. I am not aware if you are oblidge to enter any comments. I think not and will try voting without comments. My Poll about american or Britich english has very few votes when i look it.
Lets see if we get more response.
Maybe if more points are assign for voting, they will participate more and a good statistic will result from a bigger sample.