POLL Starting age you taught languages different than home language

I am trying to see how many languages are taught to babies or child from persons in this forum and at what age do they start.

You can vote once for each child you have (max 5)
Do not count the language spoken where you currently live.

Feel free to add comments, for example:

  • What languages are those
  • Which are the father’s and/or mother’s NATIVE language.
  • Maybe one of the parents, grandma or caregiver speak the language you are teaching.
  • Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language.
  • What is your home language.

I hope i express correctly this Poll and that it will not take too much of your time.

I think I have to be the first one to answer to add comments.

  • What languages are those. ENGLISH FRENCH
  • Which are the father’s and/or mother’s NATIVE language. SPANISH
  • Maybe one of the parents, grandma or caregiver speak the language you are teaching. GRANDMA English AUNT French
  • Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language. VIDEOS, BOOKS
  • What is your home language. SPANISH

Do not forget to submit your VOTE (just choosing the number).

  • What languages are those. ENGLISH MANDARIN FRENCH
  • Which are the father’s and/or mother’s NATIVE language. SPANISH
  • Maybe one of the parents, grandma or caregiver speak the language you are teaching. FATHER English MOTHER English AUNT English; French
  • Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language. VIDEOS, BOOKS, LR, POWERPOINTS
  • What is your home language. SPANISH

We have taught Mandarin, Thai, and Korean. Our native language is English. Our care givers have spoken all of the languages. We use Little Reader, videos, flashcards, and books.

What languages are those. ENGLISH MANDARIN

  • Which are the father’s and/or mother’s NATIVE language. Mandarin
  • Maybe one of the parents, grandma or caregiver speak the language you are teaching. FATHER, Mandarin MOTHER English and Mandarin
  • Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language. VIDEOS, BOOKS, POWERPOINTS
  • What is your home language. Mandarin

What languages are those? ENGLISH, RUSSIAN

  • Which are the father’s and/or mother’s NATIVE language? father’s ENGLISH, mother’s RUSSIAN
  • Maybe you only use other material like LR, powerpoints, videos etc but you do not speak that language? RUSSIAN CARTOONS, SONGS, POWER POINT
  • What is your home language? I speak both languages to the child and my husband speaks only English.

Sorry, there have been a problem with the options so if you can vote again I will appreciate.
It is a little tricky to know WHICH language has to be considered.

Just think of the first language you speak, read o r talk or pass videos that IS NOT the language where you are living. Even if it is tha parent’s language.

PLEASE VOTE again, you do not have to write comments if you dont want to.