This video was taken last evening on 1/13 when Cub was (is) 29 weeks old.
This is what graduation from lessons looks like!
A few things, sorry about the quality, PokerMom took the video with her phone and I had to rotate and then attempt to remove the hum of the pump… the pump was going hard as it was roughly 0 degrees F outside and maybe 30 F in that little room which is why it looks so steamy and why Cub was eager to hop back into the tub!
As you may or may not know, we began swimming at 14 weeks old. There was about three or four weeks there where we didn’t swim because I threw out my back (putting the cover back on the tub of all things!) and some really harsh illness.
We’re currently working on diving/throwing face first and still working on flipping from a cold stop. We’ll take our time on those. Cub basically has it all down other than the flip from the cold stop (though he has done it a few times). For example, if he plays with his rubber duck on the edge of the shallow to deep end and then slides into the deep, he can rescue himself. If he sits and does the same, he rescues himself, and if he stands on the seat and holds onto the side eventually losing his balance, he’ll save himself. Here, he’s falling in from the side.
Our methods are discussed further on the old blog postings (sorry, haven’t updated the blog in a VERY long time!)
Additional discussion…
As per my very first post on this forum, I have some work cut out for me regarding PokerMom. Sure, she’s into it right now (him pulling himself up and cruising when he’s only 6 months, etc) but she’s made it known that my plans (though I’m not sure if she knows it’s my plan) will not jive with her. If it were up to me, we’d do all the EL stuff and just homeschool and probably start the college studies way early (like prior to age 14). I see no reason not to, and I’d like to completely eschew the entire education system in favor of me doing the teaching and him socializing in group settings such as parent groups, cub scouts, martial arts classes, maybe swim team if he does that, etc etc.
I personally think the education system (school in basically all its forms) is merely 20% as effective as a hardcore homeschool environment (and I don’t mean grinding out 8 hours per day either). However, my wife is an administrator at a local private school. If things go the way I think they will, Cub will be out of place before she ever considers enrolling him (she’s told me he’ll stay home until he’s 6… but will force me into compulsory preschool at age 3)
I guess I’m saying all this as a way to perhaps brainstorm on what I can say or do down the road to prevent the inevitable clash between her dogmatic beliefs (you don’t get a masters in education without being inculcated with a lot of false educational doctrine such as teaching to the whole child, constructivist math, discover everything for yourself, etc).
I’m not lying when I say that I fear our differences in viewpoints could be strong enough to divide us permanently in divorce court, which I won’t let happen as it would basically defeat the entire purpose of my dissent… but I say it just to point out our differences are so contrasting and each of us is extremely opinionated… my opinions come not from a masters degree, but from reading this forum and in reflecting on my own education (in other words, my opinion is not without merit, but from her perspective is an uneducated and ignorant one)… really difficult for me to find a way to win.
So far my plan is simply to carry on with the EL (which PokerMom seems to go along with or not resist) and then take it so far until she’s basically forced to accept my view… a bit Machiavellian perhaps, but as an EL parent, there’s no other way.
All comments (positive or negative) welcomed! Thank you!!