pointing is important

I just want to say that pointing out words to our children is a very simple way of teaching them to read. I have used flash cards and books to teach my children to read. My youngest has consistently seen words pointed out to her since the beginning.

Today during our family devotional time I handed her my Bible and told her to find the book of John for me. That is what we have been reading for the past 2 weeks. Each time I open my Bible I show her the word John. She has been showing it to me lately, but never has she found it on her own. Imagine my surprise when she searched the Bible and found the book of John for me on her own. When I gave her my Bible I walked out of the room and she found it before I came back on her own.

The point is, don’t just make reading time something you schedule. There are words everywhere, you can teach your baby to read all throughout the day. My baby learned to read the word Toyota on our van, luminous on the toothpaste and granulated on the sugar.

For more teaching ideas view my blog at www.teachingbabytoread.com

I agree! I point out words in the grocery store, department store, restaurants etc. He enjoys it and sometimes he even mimics me by underlining the words and reading them himself :slight_smile:

My daughter does that, also. She points to them and reads them back to me.

I tried that with letters,I think I will try also in teaching my child with words.
Thanks for the tip and I will visit your blog Krista G.


your blog seems very interesting. You mention baby signing and doing it while teaching the baby to read. Have you done it yourself? Any feedback that you can give me?
I actually start teaching my baby to sign because i speak spanish to her, her father speaks french and we live in new york. There are too many languages around… I knew that it will take longer for her to speak. teaching her to sign has been great…


Hello Alma,

I love sign language! It is so fun and easy to do. I did a lot of signing with my youngest child. I did more signing than reading program, although we do both. IT is so easy to incorporate reading words with your signing. I think it is also helpful when you are dealing with other languages because your baby can easily make the transition that things are the same, but the words are different. I love to use www.aslpro.com to quickly learn new signs. They show a video clip of the sign. They have a whole dictionary to choose from. Happy teaching! :slight_smile:

yes that is right!! Pointing help them.