POI for vincent van gogh

here are three more POI for vincent van gogh
more to come :happy:

Self Portrait (Self Portrait 1887)

1 Self Portrait was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Self Portrait was painted in Paris, France

3 Self Portrait is a Painting, Oil on Canvas

4 Vincent van Gogh is the man in the painting.

5 Notice Vincent’s red beard.

6 Vincent van Gogh was painted in Autumn 1887

7 For brushstrokes in this painting, Vincent used short choppy dashes and slashes. The colors are rich and intense, and he applied the paint very thick.

8 Vincent was so poor that he couldn’t pay for a model, so he painted himself instead.

9 Self Portrait is now at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France

10 Vincent van Gogh sold very few painting while he was alive, but now he is one of the most popular artist of all time.

Sunflowers, or( Vase with Twelve Sunflowers)

1 Sunflowers was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Sunflowers was painted in Arles, France

3 Sunflowers is a painting, oil on canvas

4 Sunflowers is a painting of a vase with twelve sunflowers

5 In this painting you can see sunflowers in all stages of life, from fully in bloom to withering.

6 Sunflowers was painted January 1889

7 Vincent use dash and slashes of blue paint for the background. The dying flowers are built up with thick brushstrokes called impasto.

8 Vincent painted the sunflowers to decorate a room for his good friend the painter Paul Gauguin, who came to visit him at his “Yellow House”.

9 Sunflowers is now at the Neue Pinakothek Museum in Munich, Germany

10 Vincent painted sunflowers 11 times. Some of the paintings even look the same.


In a letter to his sister dated 21 August 1888, he talks of his friend Gauguin coming to live with him in Arles. Then goes on to say that he ‘intends to decorate the whole studio with nothing but sunflowers.’ He went on to write further, to his brother Theo, on the same day, ‘Now that I hope to live with Gauguin in a studio of our own, I want to make decorations for the studio. Nothing but big flowers. Next door to your shop, in the restaurant, you know there is a lovely decoration of flowers, I always remember the big sunflowers in the window there.’

In another letter to Theo dated the 9th of September 1888, he wrote, ‘The room you will have then, or Gauguin if he comes, will have white walls with a decoration of great yellow sunflowers. In the morning, when you open the window, you see the green of the gardens and the rising sun, and the road into the town. But you will see these great pictures of the sunflowers, 12 or 14 to the bunch, crammed into this tiny boudoir with its pretty bed and everything else dainty. It will not be commonplace….It will have a feeling of Daumier about it….’

In the year before his death he wrote to his brother ‘It is a kind of painting that rather changes in character, and takes on a richness the longer you look at it…You know the peony is Jeannins, the hollyhock belongs to Quost, but the sunflower is somewhat my own.’

Self Portrait (Self Portrait 1886)

1 Self Portrait was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Self Portrait was painted in Paris, France

3 Self Portrait is a painting, oil on mill board on cradled panel

4 The man in the painting is Vincent van Gogh

5 Vincent is wearing a nice black suit and looks very clean and neat.

6 This painting was done in 1886

7 Van Gogh used in 1886 the same painting techniques as Rembrandt did in The 17-Century

light parts concentrated (thick),
shadows thin and shining,
a play of light and dark tonal,
the use of a limited number of colors.

8 Van Gogh painted 35 self portraits

9 This Self Portrait is at the Art Institute of Chicago

10 Vincent was very close to his brother Theo, who selflessly provided financial support most of Vincent’s life.


wrote to Theo: “If I succeed in painting the colors of my own face, which is not without its own difficulties, then I should be able to paint those of other men and women.”

Wheatfields with Crows

1 Wheatfield with Crows was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Wheatfield with Crows was painted at Auvers-sur-Oise, France

3 Wheatfields with Crows is a painting, Oil on canvas

4 The wheat in this field is ready to be harvested.

5 Notice the black crows against the blue skies and golden wheat.

6 Wheatfields with Crows was painting in July 1890

7 In this painting Vincent used vivid colors, thick application of paint and distinctive swirls and spirals brush strokes.

8 Wheat fields with Crows is one of van gogh’s last paintings.

9 Today Wheatfields with Crows is in the Van Gogh Museum, in Amsterdam

10 Vincent van Gogh painted a painting a day in the last 70 days of his life.

Van Gogh talked about this canvas in a letter to Theo, describing it and another work he was painting at the same time as having “enormous outstretched wheatfields beneath angry skies.” He continues, “I have consciously tried to express sadness and extreme loneliness in them.” He communicates that sense very successfully.

Portrait of Patience Escalier

1 Portrait of Patience Escalier was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Portrait of Patience Escalier was painted in Arles, France

3 Portrait of Patience Escalier is a Painting, Oil on Canvas

4 A gardener and shepherd named Patience Escalier is the man in the painting.

5 Patience is wearing a straw hat with a red ribbon woven in it.

6 Portrait of Patience Escalier was painted in August, 1888

7 Vincent van Gogh’s brush strokes were short choppy dashes, slashes, dots and swirls. He used bold colors and laid the paint on very thick. Sometimes he would squish the paint onto his canvas straight from the tube.

8 Vincent van Gogh paint Patience Escalier three times. He like to paint him because he reminded he of his father.

9 Portrait of Patience Escalier is in a Private Collection.

10 Van Gogh spent a year as a missionary to coal miners in Belgium.

Starry Night Over the Rhone

1 Starry Night Over the Rhone was painted by Vincent van Gogh

2 Starry Night Over the Rhone was painted at Arles, France

3 Starry Night Over the Rhone is a painting - oil on canvas

4 Vincent painted the reflections of the lights in the city across the glimmering blue water of the Rhône

5The sky above is illuminated by the constellation known as the Great Bear
if you look close you can see two boats and two people walking

6 Starry Night Over the Rhone was completed September 1888

7 Vincent used a lot of little dashes of bold color in this painting

8 The challenge of painting at night intrigued Van Gogh.

9 Starry Night Over the Rhone is now at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris

10 Depicting color was of great importance to Van Gogh. In letters to his brother, Theo van Gogh, he often described objects in his paintings in terms of color

In a letter to his sister Wilhelmina, Van Gogh said “At present I absolutely want to paint a starry sky. It often seems to me that night is still more richly coloured than the day; having hues of the most intense violets, blues and greens. If only you pay attention to it you will see that certain stars are lemon-yellow, others pink or a green, blue and forget-me-not brilliance. And without my expatiating on this theme it is obvious that putting little white dots on the blue-black is not enough to paint a starry sky.”