pls help with my son's strange behaviour

hi all,
I now experience a strange behaviour from my son which makes me embarassing sometimes. My son nowadays started playing with his genitals and is always lying down. when asked to wake up.he is not waking up. one of my friend also has the same problem. today,in his preschool, his teachers complained me that he is always lying down and not getting up. i dont know what to do.if he is not given any activity that he likes, he is interested in lying down. i dont scold him but i tell him so lovingly or i divert his attention.but my mother who takes care of him,when i’m at work, is getting too tensed and many times starts scolding him. i dont know what to do now. pls help…

what time does he sleep at night? Does he have enough rest? How many activities in a day?

He may be bored, or not eating well. He needs more proteins, you need to call the doctor and ask for some answers.Hope everything goes to normal soon.

I agree with more activities.

I’d also get a check for pinworms or other reasons he might be itchy, just to rule them out.

thanks for the responses.
he eats well and sleeps for 9 to 20 hrs at night and 2hrs in the daytime.
i have to check for pinworms with the doctor…
would there be anyother problem???

My grandson is having the same problem .Sometimes even he put his fingure in at the back and smells it.I took him to doctor to see if he has wormes but he told me he has nothing.He told me not to give much attention just send him alone to do it in bed.Does he has special needs too?

hi jake,
my son doesnt have special needs. some of my friends son also have the same proble. but many say its normal at this age. but i dont know when he will stop this behaviour!!

how old is your son mine is going to be 8 this month

Not sure about the sleeping thing. Other then have you had his iron checked? You get pretty sleepy if your anemic.

As for boys touching their genitals. Well, I wonder if that ever ends? LOL
He may have found that what he’s doing is feeling good to him.
That is something though that you need to tell him that he needs to do in private and not in front of anyone.
Boys seem to discover themselves pretty early on. I like to call it discovering their second brain, because even when they die their" weekie" is the last to go. LOL

hi jake
my son is now 2.5 years old.went to peadiatrician today, and the doctor told this is normal behavioural problem and that it is similar to thumbsucking,banging the head etc… my son has headbanging problem too,he hits himself(but very safely) when he doesnt get what he wants. i doubt is this all because of overstimulation, but infact i dont stimulate him often nowadays, no flash cards, nothing i do for the past 2 weeks as i was busy in shifting my house. banging the head,hitting others, these two behaviour has developed after he went to the preschool. i noticed one boy who was very violent in his school and prob’ly he has learnt this from him. but how will i make him alright??? i’m really really confused and depressed. doctor has adviced not to send him to preschool for a month or two. you know, the school is so good,everyday he learns lots of rhymes etc… i’m really worried he is gonna miss the school, but if i send him to school then the teachers may not undertand his as a behavioural problem…

hi vanichyan,when he does a bad behavour try not to give much importance try to change it with something good and when he tries to rock tell him to go to bed bye himself to do it and tell him to cover.Mine has autism it is more dificult but that is what i am doing and when he needs he is going alone.when doing a bad behavour or tuntrum i give him time out he is 7 so i set the egg timer for 7 minutes .In your case 2minutes see how you go.and let me know if it works.In my opion ot sending him to preschool for a month it is too long for 2 year old try after 1 week.

thanks a lot jake… i understand too much of importance should not be given to the bad behaviour… thanks again