PleaseHELP with Your Baby Can Read Program

Hello all,

If you have been implementing YBCR early on (within the first 3 months of life), I would really like to hear from you.

My baby boy is now 6 months old. We have implemented the program from birth (he probably wasn’t getting much from it the first couple of months, but it couldn’t hurt). Video twice daily and flip book/cards once daily, 5 days a week. We do the videos with him, helping him with gestures etc. We did the starter set for 2 mo, the set 1 for 2 mo, and the set 2 for 2 mo, (with reviews of starter and 1 a couple of times a week) and now we are restarting the starter set because I felt it was prudent before moving on, since we started so young.

My baby loves the videos, and is interested in anything in print. I also read to him at night and in French on the week end (we are raising him bilingual), and we are also introducing some phonics concepts with leapfrog products.

Now the BIG question: When did your baby start showing you that he knew the words, and how fast did he build up his vocabulary from that point on? I know that a 6 months, he can’t clap etc…but I was just watching the video of Aleka (from YBCR) at 9 months old, who demonstrated knowing all these words, and I couldn’t help but wonder when all this hard work was going to pay off for us…

thanks so much in advance to anyone who replies :slight_smile:

I did YBCR with my daughter from very young, about 3 to 4 months old, playing the games with her with word cards. I would hold two words up (from cards I had made from poster board) and she would look at the word I said at around 6 months old. It sounds like you started earlier, I would try to see if he looks at the correct word. Make it a game and get excited for him if he even comes close to looking at it. If he doesn’t then just hold up the correct one and repeat the word to him and smile so he doesn’t think you are mad at him for getting it wrong. It couldn’t hurt, he may know more than you think :yes:

thank you Tobbykins,

this is an excellent suggestion, I will try this :smiley: . Hopefully, he will look at the correct one long enough for me to decide he is choosing it over the other, LOL.

I started with my son when he was about 7 months old. I don’t know how long it took. I didn’t know what he knew until he started signing a lot and he was able to sign a bunch of the words to me.

I started my son at 3 months and he started clapping at 7 months to the song 'If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands" . At 9 months he clapped, waved and put his arms up to those words. A week after his first birthday he uttered his first word which was Tiger, a day or two after that it was Ball, then Balloon. He’s said and have used a lot of words since, but only recently in the last 3 weeks he started to say Ma Ma… it’s so sweet to hear, especially as I’ve been waiting for the last 4 months!

thank you so much, and yes, these must be the sweetest words to hear. Hopefully “something” will happen next month.

Hi everyone,

This post is actually about the Little Reader Program I just purchased. I love it, the results have been great!

I am new at this my daughter-in-law and I just bought the program last week but we tried the trial about 10 days. I love the program, we started my grandson at 9 months and granddaughter 4 years on the program. in keeping with the subject of babies I will say Jonathan our 9 month old is responding very well. We didn’t have the flash cards so we used the computer lessons. In 3 days Jonathan recognized things he already knew such as kick, wave and now he responds to the action by doing it. By the end of week 2 he understood eat, wave, kick, dog, laugh and he learned the “k” sound and said each time he would kick, Now he has identified the “k” sound at the end of kick. Wave has been added to wave bye-bye or hello, and now he says"Hi there" and waves. Night before last he came out with a new word on his own bounce is one of his favorite things to do so he bounced in his bouncer very excited and kept repeating “Bou” and said it every time he bounced. He now gets very excited when we join in a say it with him. We plan to add bounce to his list of words and make a short video of him bouncing in his bouncer to put in the program. I realized then how well the program works when he took a familiar action and figured out the word we repeated since he was 4 months was the word for this action he loved so much. He has realized that he is communicating with us and loves it. He just turned 10 months can say 8 words some from the program and some on his own he recognizes most of the action words in his lessons and most of the parts of the body-Head. I have no doubt the words will come with a little time in fact we are seeing it this week.
After 2 weeks our 4 year old could identify in written form 11 of the 28 words she was working with. She was tongue-tied until recently and it is helping with her speech. She has also learned her ABC song.
Love the program, just love it! Oops, sorry, I was referring to Little Reader - didn’t realize there was another program called Your Baby can Read. You learn something new every day! Love the Little Reader Program Just love it!

Hi Hillspride,

that is terrific! I hope that at 9 mo my little one will do as well as this!

Hello Rivka,

I would like to offer you advice that I would follow myself. Trust in your baby. You are doing all you can to give your baby a strong start in learning to read. From my experience I started with my boy at 2 1/2 months old and never tested him. He offered to read at 12 months old and since I never asked him prior to that once he started to read he would read anything I asked him.

I reviewed that same video of Aleka reading at 9 months old and then thought there was no reason my next baby couldn’t do that. I made a huge mistake in constantly trying to get her to show me that she was getting it. She sensed this and did not blossom as she should have with her reading program. The first and most important rule in teaching your baby to read is to do it because it is fun, because you enjoy teaching your baby everything and because you are creating bonds that will be cherished for a lifetime. If your baby does learn to read then that is a bonus. If you have any doubt your baby will sense it. I can’t caution you strongly enough. Enjoy the process and when the fruit is ripe it will fall from the tree,. DO NOT COMPARE YOUR BABY TO OTHERS because each baby and each circumstance and each program is different. Enjoy your baby for who they are and aim to fill them up with language, music, life experiences and when their little cup is full it will overflow.

nice to hear another grandma in this forum. I guess there are not that many. I am also participating and learning a lot of stuff for my grandson. He is my son’s little boy. Unlike you i was not able to use LR because i am not every day with him and his parents are not sure if they want him to be an early reader. So i do what i can and enjoy the process. We sing a lot in differente languages and i read to him mostly in english since we are peruvians and others read to him in spanish.
On the other hand my daughter promise me that when she gives me a grandson we will work together and apply all the wonderfull ideas i learn here. I hope that day is not to far.

Kirsta, thank you for your words. When the time comes with my daughter’s child i will keep them in mind. And as for now, some of your advice can be applied to sharing time with my grandson.
Karma to you

Hi Krista,

thanks for your advice, I hope I have the fortitude to follow i!

Hi Everyone,
I have been using Your Baby Can Read program for the past 5months. My son has learnt to clap. I know he recognizes few words like blanket, ball. Other than this I do not see much output from him. He does not like flash cards. I tried flash cards many times but it was a failure. He would soon turn away from the cards. Now he is 11 months old and he does not watch the dvds any more. I have stopped with Vol2. It is difficult to get his attention for a long period. Did any one face such problems with flash cards and dvds?

Dear all,

I am a full time working mom and started my son on Glenn Doman when he was 3 months. Like all of you, I have the same doubt. Can he understand?!!

Yes, my son can clap by 6 months and say “Mama” too. The interesting part is he can speak 3 syllabus words ratherwell by 13mth- AEROPLANE, UMBREALLA

But as he grows, his interest dwindles.
I think the most important thing we parents have to drive in ourselves is to “PERSERVERE” and be creative.

Don’t worry it will happen. She may be showing you signs now. Look at her in her face when you play card games to see what she does with her eyes. At around seven months I knew for sure my son was getting it and we started the program at 2 months. Now he brings me his books and flashcards to read to me. don’t worry you will see the results.