Please join us for a meeting with Robert and David Levy in Northern VA mid-June

Hello BrillKid Fam,

I’m very pleased to announce Robert Levy and his son David will be stopping by for a visit mid-June and wanted to extend the invitation to anyone interested in joining us. I understand travel arrangements are tough to make on short notice so we can arrange a Skype session.

As soon as a specific date and location is determined I will post an update. If you are interested in setting up a Skype session please PM your Skype ID and we can connect from there.

For those of you new here, Robert Levy was invited to this forum about a year ago after being recognized for the success he had in using Saxon Math workbooks. You can read the thread from this link:

Thanks and looking forward to meeting with you.
Melanie Taylor

Wow, this is great!

Unfortunately we won’t be able to attend :frowning:

If anyone out there is reading and you’re in the area, I’m jealous of you :yes:

Melanie - can you pass on my regards? They have both been a source of inspiration and knowledge on this forum

That’s really good news! I would love to join :slight_smile:

Your insight will be missed. I will pass your message on and hopefully we can connect somehow in the near future again.

So glad to hear you are interested. Will you be able to join us in person or via Skype?
