PLEASE AVOID POISONONG YOUR GROWING CHILD: inks, dyes, plastics, rubbers, SIDS..


I would urge everyone to keep in mind:

Inks - in printers (especially laser jet - which send more ink into the air) AND markers - can be

VERY TOXIC (as in neurotoxins - lead content, toxic man made chemicals, etc.)

to EAT, touch or breathe!!

Laminating is the safest way to go (if you can insure that children NEVER have access to the heat!) But also keep in mind that different plastics are more or less toxic as well:

A good rule: if you can smell the plastic (or ANY UNNATURAL, MAN MADE CHEMICAL!!) - it is more dangerous because it is airborne already!

Definitely keep your children safe from all MAN MADE items - like petrochemicals (ALL plastics and rubbers and most inks)

Try to find markers without toluene or xylene - they usually smell of plain alcohol - they have no strange chemical odor to them at all! SCHNEIDER makes great alcohol based HUGE markers!!

There are many great books on this topic - please search for them (I will try list some later) - one of which suggests that the most important way to improve your child’s IQ is to simply keep him safe from neurotoxins!

Another book emphatically claims that SIDS is clearly caused by the interaction of a fungus (or a mold?) with arsenic and/or phosphorus AND moisture AND temperature to create weak but deadly and potentially paralyzing (especially in newborns) neurotoxins:

always buy new mattresses for newborns (studies show that second children are more at risk - from sleeping on an older brother or sisters USED mattress)

never let them sleep on animal skins (always contains lots of phosphorus)

try to get the air in the bedroom moving (indirect fan -not directly ON the baby!) to disperse the toxins before they have time to accumulate near the child’s nose (keep in mind that these toxins
are HEAVIER than air and come from within bedding materials)

have the baby sleep on at least two layers of cotton between them and the mattress (the author has a site that sells non-toxic, plastic mattress covers…makes me wonder a little…??)

have the child sleep on their back - nose in the air away from any possible toxins

Please keep them:


This is a very good thought, and usable information. Thank you for posting. This is something to consider and think about.

Thank you so much! What an educational post and excellent reminder!

Thank you for this reminder - very useful information. Looking forward to more pieces of information from you, graffjamie!

Thanks for the great info!

I also try to avoid chemicals in lotions etc. on my babies skin. Many people forget that the skin is the largest organ of the body & chemicals in skin products can be absorbed. My policy for my family is that if it shouldn’t go in your body ( isn’t edible) then it shouldn’t go on your body.