Playschool for one year old

Hello Everyone!!

I am new to this forums.Lemme start it by introducing myself, I am a working mother of 10 months old baby boy. Am 8 hours out from home, I really wish to teach my son something but I hardly get time, he also shows lot of interest in learning but I leave early morning and come late , so I hardly get to teach him, I feel really sad as he keeps exploring all things at home on his own and I am not even able to explain him as wot is wot…

My second problem is we planning to shift to city , So there we won;t have anyone to look after him , right now my son;s grandparents looks after him when hez at home, So I am planning for his admission in some play school / day care when he will be One year old. some advice me not to start play school at so early age, besides I am worried if we suddenly shift to new place how he will react and whether he will lose interest of learning.

I am really undecided upon all this matters , feel am some bad mom as not able to give a proper guidance to him…Please advice me on how I can get help on this. :frowning:

Thanks in advance

My daughter started daycare at 9 months, and loves it so much I increased her from one day a week to 3 at the moment, at 2 different centres. She has great self-confidence and not clingy and scared like my older kids were, because they didnt get much daycare. I believe it increases their intelligence by giving them so many more learning opportunities, such as how to interact with other adults, and kids from babies to 5 years old. She has been observing the adults looking after babies there, and play acts this at home with her dolls. Its also better for their immunity, and it was announced on the news last year that the children with the least likelihood of getting leukaemia are those that spent most time in daycare. The highest risk group are those that didnt have daycare at all, and minimum interaction with other kids during those first few years.

I prefer my kids to interact with other kids before school age, before the kids start swearing and talking about sex, and experimenting with smoking and things that happen in Primary school which frighten me into homeschooling! Younger kids are less “bad”…

I think that it is good for the little ones to interact a bit. :slight_smile:

Hi All

Thanks a lot for the reply.
I was indeed happy to read your thoughts .

I am doing admission for my son whn he vl be one year. the only problem is there is hardly any good day care for one year old. I am trying to teach him at home.

will keep my post updates as it happens

thanks again

Hi Priya

I also dealt with a similar situation…I put my son to the best daycare available in B’lore, very pricey, when he was 1.2 yr old. We thought it would be a good idea for him to be in the toddler group, he would learn, socialize, and so on. But to our shock, not only was our son crying for 5 hrs on end, not eating, but also fell ill. We cannot understand what was going on as he cannot speak. This went on for 2 weeks, so we decided to pull him off. So I would say being with the grandparents until he can speak would be a good option.

First I’d like to say, don’t blame yourself and never even entertain the thought of being a bad mom, you’re trying your best and that’s all you can do.

My son went to nursery as well, and it was really good interacting with other kids and adults, it’s good for their self esteem and confidence. my friend’s kids that never went to nursery are so shy and withdrawn.

you could decide to wai till he can talk or at least communicate somehow. whatever you decide, it’ll work out in the end, trust me!

my son went to the nursery when he was 18 moths old but he was craying and getting ill so he came back home to stay with me…now he begins with special nursery at home (tagesmutter) he is crying too but not so much, he can play with other children and learn many words much many then being at home, but he looks so sad like saying that he needs me and I feel bad :huh:

In Australia it is very cheap to use daycare, as we pay initially out of our own pocket a part of the cost depending on our income, but what we pay out initially, the government gives us half back each quarter. So the cheapest daycare can cost $7.50 out of our own pocket per day, or if have more than one child in, it is not double that, it’s a few dollars less, like $12.50 or so. That’s great value when you think nappies, milk and food are included free in that. And family day care, in a person’s own home, is a lot cheaper again!
I find Azaria is really well socialized and self-confident, whereas my older kids who had less daycare arent so confident, and also wouldnt participate in dance lessons etc.
One centre she attends her group is for babies to 2 years old, so she watches the babies being looked after and has been imitating this with her dolls, but also is kind and caring with those babies, patting them when they cry, and popping their dummies back in…
The other centre she is in a group for 1 to 2 year olds, and really learns social skills, like eating together at a table, and using cutlery, sitting together to hear a book read, taking turns and sharing, and having little birthday parties.
I really notice the differences between her and the older kids… for the better.

I visited one playschool for one year old, its close to my new flat, I am planning to do admission for him in that. There are so many kids in that playchool …the strength of teacher to student will be like 1:5 .

Usually Childrens are having some or the other illness, so am worried as rains will start in some couple of months, and kids might get some contagious infection etc.

But I guess with playshcool , there are +ve as well as -Ve points to gain from. Every child I feel gets cranky when they go to some new playshool or are left away from parents… but I guess the early we start playshcool its better because as they grow older they get more attached to be at home and get fear of outside world.

Mine is this first experience so lets see what i get to face.
Hoping for good!!!

I placed my son in daycare first when he was 7 months old. His grandmother watched him up until then and couldn’t anymore because of her health. He goes to a christian daycare now and is there Mon-Thurs when I am at work. He sometimes goes in and begins to play with no problem and sometimes he puts up a fuss. I hate to leave him when he fusses because he doesn’t want me to go, but in the afternoon on the same day when I pick him up he doesn’t want to leave because all of his friends are there. So I know then, that he is just a little fussy because I am leaving and it is early and he is tired.

I can compare him to other children that have not been in daycare and his social skills are above and beyond the other children. My niece is not open to many adults and when my sister-in-law HAS to leave her it is very hard for them and she cries A Lot! But my son is fine staying with family and friends even if we are not there.

Daycare is very expensive, we pay $100 a week and that does not include diapers, wipes or juice for snack time. It is also very hard to leave him sometimes. I wish I could keep him at home with me. But I am very glad he is in daycare at the same time because he learns so much and has so much fun and he loves to be around the other children. And if your child doesn’t build up their immune systems by getting sick in daycare, it will happen when they start school and then you run the risk of them being held back because of days missed. This is how it is in the US anyways.

Hope this all helped. :slight_smile:

my son after 1 month of crying and despairing all the time at the nursery-school now is smiling when I’m back!!! :laugh:

Its just HEART BREAKING to leave my son alone and leave for office…I feel its affecting me more than him (hope its not affecting him much !!!)…and am all the time thinkg abt him in the office …his crying face makes me feel so guilty…and more over hez so happy whn am back from office …kids are so very innocent…even if I leave him and go hez happy everytime he sees me…

I really wonder how any mom manage to leave their kids in playschool and go for work …sneakingly moving out will be easier for me…but I guess that is not to a healthy relationship…I really wish to gather some courage to handle this situation!!!

babysitter is another option if you don’t like daycare. the cheapest option is another mother who is living at home with her child, and can take care also for your child, for moderate price. check your local advertisment website.

Its pretty hard to be separated from ur kid & it is more hard if we have to leave them in someone else care … Thank god atleast I have the option of leaving my daughter with my mother …