Playmat for crawling

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding the playmat? Which one is the best for crawling and what size?

You mentioned a playmat and crawling, but are you referring to a traditional play mat or to a doman style crawling track?

I guess I mean regular playmat for my kiddo to learn to move around. I looked into crawling track and I was obsessed with that idea for a while but my DH didn’t even want to talk about it. I did show him some videos and explained the benefits but he believes that it is too much for a LO so I have to pick my battles. My DH also doesn’t understand why teaching our baby to read so early is so important but I won on that front so that is happening. I am very excited about it.

Also, I am relatively new here and I have a silly question. How do I know when someone is answering my posts? I don’t get any email notifications and the only way to check is to find my posts and look at them. There has to be a better way…
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I didn’t have a crawling track either, but I would put my hands on baby’s feet to let him get used to pushing off of something. You might even have something laying around you can modify, and you can still use the methods of putting baby in doman recommended clothing (warm room and just a onsie if I remember correctly)…that is, what DH is not around. :wink:

In that case, I would aim for something black and white with some toys to reach for. I used play mat gyms with toys hanging overhead as well because my kids loved them, but I don’t know if they are technically doman recommended.

Now, black & white is not as important after 3 months of age, but I would get b&w anyway if I was in your shoes, because why not if it could possibly help? :slight_smile:

This site probably has lots more:

We have a Korean playmat - the one from Baby Care, which is half the price of the Dwingular one (can find on Amazon). You can also find them (the LG and Parklon brands) at HMarts (the Korean grocery store chain in store and online). It is easy to clean (wipe-clean), is well-cushioned, and has a grippy surface. I felt like my son started to move more (but still only backwards) after we got the mat (just a few weeks ago). The main selling point for me is that I can clean it easily every morning and throughout the day with a wet rag (with a dog and dad that tracks in “stuff” from outside all day, our area rug was just too filthy for crawling on). Size depends on what you have space for. We have the large size, which is nice, if you have the space.

I feel like the cloth/comforter/baby gym type surfaces are not ideal for learning how to crawl because they aren’t stiff enough - the baby can pull the mat up instead of pushing against it.

After reading about the Doman philosophy and track, I try to put him on the mat with exposed elbows and knees occasionally (instead of in the sleeper all the time). Not sure if it makes a difference or not yet, but I can see why that would be recommended.

My son learnt to crawl on our bed. It was soft and grippy enough for him. We have a large king bed which is 7ft wide. I had my son crawl back and forth diagonally on the bed all day. Initially when he was little I would sit behind him and he would push off my legs or hands. Eventually he moved by himself. His first independent movement across the bed took over 40 minutes and he was about 3 months old. It was slow but steady progress unti he was about 5 months old and I then had him crawl in the regular floor. When he was on the bed I would lay different toys all around and he would roll, scoot, creep or crawl all over the place to get to them.