pieces of art

Do you know this website: www.wga.hu ? It is a wonderful source of printable images of paintings and other fine arts items from gothic to romantism periods. I really recommend it.
Olga from Prague (mother of a handicapped but not “stupid” boy)

thanks for sharing
we were in Prague last year, it’s so beauty :slight_smile:

Excellent source thank you! I love teaching my children paintings and painters.

I’m sure most of you already know them but just in case:


Amazing work. Hours of research (which I won’t have to do now :slight_smile: I love ‘Famous Paintings’ and ‘Matisse’.
But I must admit I did not take this website seriously at the beginning because of the dodgy ads being shown.

Thanks, I’ve been looking for art sites.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Thanks Olga and Hypatia