Picking c-section date...any thoughts on IQ and time in womb?

Basically…I hope someone can share that they had a child born at 39 weeks via csection and they are just as brilliant or more than their other child who was born later…please :). I am really trying to push my date back and keep thinking about the long term impact of both being taken early and by csection! Any personal experiences? (And no…can’t have a vbac…I’ve researched for years …) Thank you!!

No personal experience with c section, but congratulations!! How exciting! I hope you’re able to get some insight from someone. Several studies you can find on pubmed do state that longer gestation period (not beyond the 41st or 42nd week) is associated with higher IQs.
I’m sure your little bundle of joy will be absolutely perfect!

Yes - those are the studies that I keep reading and keep thinking about! Thank you for the encouragement :)!!

My son was born via emergency c-section at 38 weeks. And he is doing fine. The doctors were concerned about intellectual disability due to oxygen deprivation and slow growth. But at 4 he is doing second grade work. But has ability much above that.

Although my daughter was not born via c section, she was born at 38 weeks. She was ready to be out in the world! I have to say that I think she’s incredibly bright, and she amazes me with how quickly she learns things and how she takes in everything from her environment. She’s quite clever!

Yay - Good to hear!