
We saw the physiotherapist today. We see her semi-regularly to make sure that there are no big delays due to Nicholas’ prematurity (he was born at 29 weeks). I was quite nervous, since he makes no effort to pull himself up (beyond climbing onto the forbidden bottom shelf of my coffee table) and is very wobbly on his feet, not supporting his weight on his feet (he leans), not cruising or showing any interest in being upright…

The verdict was that he is doing fine. He is 13 months corrected to his due date, and so she’s not worried that he’s not nearly walking yet. Afterall, some healthy term babies don’t walk until 2 :slight_smile: She believes that he has the ability to do everything he should be doing (such as getting into and out of a sitting position) but is just being lazy - especially since he knows that I’ll give in if he whinges enough :wub:

One thing she did say was that he has excellent balance! I have not managed to do anywhere near the amount of vestibular excercises Doman recommends, but I have done something at least a couple of times every day, and it is wonderful to know that it is showing!

So all I have to do now is make him play while standing and kneeling, which he has never done for me before, but was quite happy to show off today!

Best of luck in your effort…
I hope you succeed in your effort.


That’s great to hear!

My doctor has advised to g ot for the phyisical therapt for our baby neck as his neck is more on one side.