Phonics in Little Reader

My kid is 1.5yrs old. I am teaching him LR since he was 8months old. He takes interest in action words, body parts, transportation…etc, and quite Happy with is progress :yes:
But he is not at all taking interest in Phonics section :(. I tried a lot by making different kinds of fun…but still no success. Can anybody tell me how can I create interest in him ???

LR v3 with the new curriculum will be coming out soon. The curriculum will have a different structure, so hopefully it will work better. If not, you can shorten the phonics lessons or even take them out completely, quite easily.

Stay tuned for details!

Happened to my son too. lol

What worked for us was letting him watch the pattern phonic lessons first, follow by the rest of the lessons. I always kept his most favourite lessons for last.
I sometimes printed them out and made physical flash cards for him.

Hope this helps!

Thanks to both of you ! will try the idea given by ‘Mae_Jakob_Ka’. and KL let me know when this new v3 will be releasing.

good bye 8)

My youngest has not been interested in the phonics and even now with the version 3 she often looks away with the sight words and the phonics sections (I think because there are no pictures) but that does not mean she is not learning them as when it comes to the games she usually gets them right. I wouldn’t worry too much - just let them play in the background - if he looks, great, if not then that is ok too - he is at least hearing the words and an amazing amount can stick even when you think there is no interest.