Perfect Pitch Precursor- Hearing the Triangle in "Violet"?

We were just playing with our musical instruments and using the triangle. I hit it and let it ring and held it close to DD ear so she can hear how long it rings and feel the vibration (just like they taught us in music class, not close enough to cause damage or anything).

Do looked at me and said “Do you hear violet?” It was out of the ordinary for two reasons- 1) I have never discussed music having a color you can hear. There are colors on her glockenspiel but we only ever refer to the notes by their letter names or solfege names. 2) I have told her that violet is a color like purple when we have rarely encountered it in a book or something, but 99.9% of the time we say purple. So it was very strange for her to tell me specifically that it was violet.

I asked her what color she heard in 3 other instruments and she told me three different colors, and then went back to the triangle. After that first question, she said that it was yellow every time thereafter. Those seem pretty far apart to me on the spectrum of colors (in shades of darkness/lightness in regards to low/high pitch) so that doesn’t seem like a “close” mistake but I cannot speak from personal experience, only speculation.

I don’t know what to think. I’m not sure if this is a 2 year old being a 2 year old or possibly something more, a sign that her pitch development might be further along than I was aware. I guess not that it makes a lot of difference, I don’t think it’s really going to change anything we do I guess. But I’d like to know where she stands so to speak. I suppose there’s no way to know and it will all reveal itself in time if there is any substance to it.

I would love to hear from Doc Primo or anyone else with perfect pitch! Or anyone else for that matte…thoughts??? I really need to break down and buy some tuning forks…

Pamela from TW wrote about this a few months ago…maybe in Sept or October. I had been getting mass emails from them for a while. If you PMd her or Hennie (sp?) I’m sure they’d forward the document to you.

I came across this article and remembered this thread, so I thought I would post a link:

You may also find this article very helpful as well.

Thanks for the articles. It’s been interesting to watch and try to figure it all out. She still consistently hears violet still in the triangle more than any other color, but occasionally she will say others so it left me wondering. Her observations & remarks are all unprompted for the most part.

Well, after testing the triangle’s pitch tonight, I was growing frustrated that it wasn’t reading consistently as one particular note. Rather it was registering as a small range of notes from the time it was initially struck until the final vibration faded out entirely. But the notes at the end were the longest and seemingly the most dominant if I remember correctly. So I looked it up and realized that a triangle has an “indeterminate” pitch and therefore has no assigned note to it. Makes sense.

Tonight at Prezuki the teacher held up a resonator bar in the middle of the room and asked Lily what note it was after she struck it. Lily responded “A” matter of factly, and sure enough the teacher brought it over to hold it by her ear and it was an A. I still don’t know what to think entirely but I think my kid might be on to something…