Perfect pitch my own experience!

Hi everyone

After watching TmT’s videos of her gorgeous kids I thought I would see how my own kids were going with their ear training after 55 days of LMs and let me tell you I am gobsmacked at my eldest dd in particular ear training.

So I made up some do re mi hopscotch and I played a key on the LMs piano and she jumped to each key (hop scotch circle) having a great time she (Miss S) got 7/10 right = 70% right. Now this is a child who sometimes watches LMs and other times is floating around the room doing her own thing. She probably watches LMs about 50-60% of the time. My youngest is hooked on it and loves to watch it. My dd2 is getting there but does not get the game hopscotch yet she likes to play with discs I have made but I have no idea where her ear is at as she is reluctant to show me anything. She is a real mystery woman that one.

Have to say I love Little Music!

Oh wow thats wonderful! I suppose since it is a listening skill she is developing she only needs to hear it, she doenst really need to watch every time. Still great progress for 50 days into a 730 day program. Just think what will be possible at the end…even if she is still getting only 7/10 :wink:
Does make me wonder what my kids really know. How are you personally going with the perfect pitch development? Since you hear it also each day, can you hear the differences. I have noticed my own ear improving, I wonder what I will be able to hear after 50 days…

My own ear is improving but not at the rate my eldest dd is.I get it right about 55 to 60% of the time. Other times I am directing the kids to sit back from the computer so they can see the screen. I will however, tell you something anecdotal. When I used to bodybuild and was on an incrediably strict diet my sense of hearing improved ten fold. I could hear instruments in music I couldn’t hear before. People knocking at the front door from the back of the house which on any other occasion you can not hear. I wonder if I went back on that strict diet or just eliminated the chocolate and lollies in my life if my hearing would improve.

Now that is interesting…try it and let me know…I’d rather be tone deaf for life than give up chocolate lol

Kimba, that’s awesome news!!! So happy for you and thank you for sharing! :yes:

I was going to post my own update on music but you beat me to it! lol So I hope you don’t mind my sharing a little bit of it here on your thread. Ella, for some reason, doesn’t like playing the “name that note” game no matter how many different ways I try to play it. I suspect that she still cannot get 100% right, and, being the little perfectionist that she is, doesn’t like to be tested until she does. BUT, just this afternoon, she was watching a Little Einsteins episode that was playing Antonin Dvorak’s 9th Symphony. She suddenly ran to get her violin and started playing it by ear! I mean, it was just the first two lines of the 2nd movement, but she’s never heard this piece of music before! We have been playing LMs more consistently recently, and I have no doubt it is due to LMs that she could do this!

We also LOVE LMs!!! :yes: :yes: :yes:

That’s alright!!! lol Ella is so amazing. My dd does not like soft mozart guess the key game either. She finds it really frustrating but LMs is so easy for her to listen to and she does not always pay attention to it either. She loves the songs in solfege. I havehad to stop Sm for now but I plan on introducing later on in the year. I may have to entice her by playing it myself.

My son and I are on day 62 for Little Musician today and he likes it on most days. About a week ago we passed a power box on our walk around the block, and the thing makes a loud whooooo sound, so he pointed at it and told me Dooooo. I don’t have perfect pich but I’m pretty sure he was right, that was a “Do” sound. I was so impressed with my little 18 month old. Today he was banging his little Xylophone and sortof stoped and started hitting the keys individually and pausing while staring into deep space, asif he had some kind of aha-moment - I don’t know what that was all about.

But I’ve been wondering…
Perfect pich is VERY rare, right? Now, eventhough little children can name quantities at a glance if they were tought, most loose their subbatizing skills after they reach 3 years old.
So here’s something to think about; will perfect pich in the early years mean perfect pich for life (assuming musical training is continued.)

Perfect pitch is for life :yes: It may fade but can be brought back to the front by using the skills. So it is a wonderful thing to teach children. It is rare mostly because people dont know how to teach it to children and it is much harder to acquire as an adult. It is possible to aquire perfect pitch as an adult but like we are finding our kids are beating us to it :biggrin: To obtain perfect pitch as an adult requires consistent and regular exposure and some left brain effort. To teach it to children just requires regular exposure to named “perfect pitch” notes.
I didnt learn it as a kid but I am certainly developing it by using soft mozart and Little musician. I can identify chords DO ME SO, FA LA DO, and individual notes DO, RE, MI, FA, SO with about 95% accuracy now. DO, RE and MI I learnt from soft mozart but the chords I learnt from Little Musician. Having a focus on note pitch is making my middle daughter pick up piano pieces much faster than my oldest daughter did. Very useful. (save a fortune in lessons if you are paying for them!)
Oh and they all sing in key more now too.
Those whos kids struggle with soft mozart guess key game. Have you tried pressing the notes keys for them? Sometimes my son plays and all he does is listen and call out the notes. I press the keys for him. He is still gaining the listening skills without the pressure, and at a faster rate than Little Musician teaches the notes.(including base cleff!) Eventually when he is confident enough with the note pitches he will be able to add in the keyboard. Personally I am happy for him to just use the gentle piano part of the program for now. After all that is what I wanted him to learn from it - how to play piano! We have Little musician for the rest now lol

Kimba, Manda, Aangeles, and MamaOfWill, if you would please go share your experiences here:!-add-yours-here/msg87335/?topicseen#new Thank you kindly!

I am trying to compile it all neatly in one thread. Anyone else reading this who is starting to notice progress, please go do the same! :slight_smile: