People with "superpowers"

This is a major tangent from the mid-brain activation thread. We’ve joked a bit about giving our kids “superpowers” because midbrain activation is such a foreign concept to many of us. But that reminded me of a few stories I have heard that I wanted to share.

The purpose of this thread is to share stories of people with incredible talents or powers. I’m sure there are plenty of critics that have “debunked” these stories, you can find anything you want on the internet. So let’s not be too focused on proving or disproving these stories, but rather share what we have heard and allow people to consider the stories for ourselves. With such a rich world culture on this forum, with so many societal and or religious beliefs, I hope that, as is usually the case on BK, we can be respectful to the individuals and ideas being discussed.

So, to get the ball rolling, the first story I’ll share is Natasha, the Russian girl with “X-ray vision”.

Thu second is the story of “DJ”, a Chi energy doctor.

I believe that our brains are capable of so much more than most people think. And when something like that is shown it seen as “supernatural” or something special when in reality it is something that we all are capable of. Such is the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that what you think about and what you believe you bring forth in your life. ex: I have suffered from moderate to severe acne for most of my life, since I was 11 years old. I tried everything to get rid of it and nothing has permanently rid my skin of this disease. I found a routine that seemed to help my skin heal rather quickly but nothing worked to keep the acne from coming back. I started using the law of attraction, because this was the one thing I really wanted in my life, clear beautiful skin! I thought about my skin healing, I believed it was healing and it did!! I would take time every night just to meditate on that thought, believing it was happening, and taking action. I made plans for my new skin, it wasn’t just a thought, it was more than that! Brain waves (thoughts, memories) can be measured. So when we think about something, believe it, and take action on it we are putting out those waves into the universe that start a chain reaction.

My daughters have always been considered smart and advanced, however, what is really is amazing is how they seem to have an intuition about the things around them. Pamela of says it perfectly: Yes, this is extra-sensorial perception, or intuition. Maria Montessori called this “the inner teacher.” And although we do not teach ESP games, we believe that it is naturally present in children. Their right brain pathways are sensitive and open. The right side of the brain receives images through wave frequencies—light, sound, magnetism, thought and emotion.

Everything has a frequency. Even words have a vibration and send energetic, electrical information outward—forming a color/shape in space as well as a feeling. Students who are blind, deaf, or even autistic depend on their frequency intake in order to learn more about the world around them. Emerging right-brain children use these senses as a way of life.

Children with this heightened awareness often say that sounds have a shape, a color and even a weight to them. They see or feel sound. They learn through creative absorption, not force.

Consider for a moment that information jumps from synapse to synapse as an electrical current. It’s electrical! And when we teach with passion, the information we impart to the students is enhanced by strong signals from our thought waves and heart rhythms. They get excited, too—and actually understand more.

Thought this will be relevent. Saw this link today.
Pineal gland is known as the 3rd eye.

Since almost all the supplied tap water is flouridated I presume most of our pineal glands are calcified?