pencil grasp, fine motor skills

Thanks so much.

I wonder if you could write the words?
I cant figure what she says for the tallest finger.

My thumb is bent, pointer points to the tip, tall man uses his side. I curl my last two fingers in and take them for a ride. :slight_smile:

just interesting :slight_smile:


Pediatrics. 2012 Oct;130(4):e950-6. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-3712. Epub 2012 Sep 17.
The relationship between motor coordination and intelligence across the IQ range.
Smits-Engelsman B, Hill EL.

Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Tervuursevest 101, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium.

In both clinical practice and research, motor delay is understood to be explained, at least in part, by intellectual abilities; however, no data are available to operationalize these criteria to guide clinical decision making. This study provides data on IQ and motor skills in children to answer 3 research questions concerning the relationship between IQ and motor skill: (1) Can motor coordination impairment be explained in terms of general intellectual retardation? (2) What level of motor performance should be expected given the person’s measured intelligence? (3) At what point are motor difficulties considered to be in excess of those usually associated with mental retardation?

IQ and motor skill data were analyzed from a group of 460 children identified with/without motor difficulties from both clinical and educational settings.

Typical and atypical motor skill was seen at all IQ levels, 19% of the variance in motor outcomes was explained by IQ scores, and for each SD lower IQ, a mean loss of 10 percentile motor points should be expected.

Although individuals with a lower measured IQ more often showed poorer motor performance than those with a higher measured IQ, motor skill at all levels of proficiency was seen in all IQ categories. These findings have important implications for clinical judgments and decision-making, as well as for future research directions to further operationalize the criteria relating to motor disorders in both the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Revision, and the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision.

My boy doesn’t use just two fingers to grip . He uses his tall finger too . I see many grown up doing this . When I correct him he drops the pencil , he cannot hold I firm grip with just two fingers , he is 4.5
Any advice

I have been followed your site on learning activity and read your article on kids skills. You have describe a good explanation on pensil grasp development. It would be helpful for those parents whose kids are going to preschools.

For those with kids who love tablets, you can buy a crayon stylus: That way you can use a beloved activity as incentive to practice holding a pencil.

Our new activities for fingers:

  • lego
  • making holes in paper, with large sewing needle
  • plastic bubble wrap which is used for package of fragile parcels. It is almost addictive, to press these bubbles with fingers. :smiley:

bubble wrap: