parents of boys...

Does any other parent of exclusively boys find that people always imply that boys are just boys but girls are something “extra special” that you should be hoping for? Why is that?? OR worse, when you are pregnant with your second, and you find out (with joy!) that you’re having a second little boy, and people say “awwww, darn! I bet you were hoping for a little girl! Oh well, you’ll just have to try again!”

What’s WITH that???

I really wanted a little girl, and I still do for my second child. But I am so enamored with my son. I never knew having a little boy would so wonderful. He is so amazing and his personality is great. I know a little girl just wouldn’t be the same.

just like nhockaday, i always wanted a girl and is hoping for a girl for the second one. but i am so much inlove with my son and will be forever greatful to God for giving me my son as my first born, making my first timer mom experience really pleasurable and blessed.
i guess the reason why people often say that is because boys tend to be more difficult when it comes to parenting, they involve more patience, more action such as wrestling and boxing games, boys are also known to be clutter freak, not to mention the enormous advices we need to provide them as they make choices in life. however with girls, they tend to be more quiet, easy to handle, more passive than the boys.
these are just from my point of view, would not really categorized all boys like this.

I think that having a baby is also blessed, while of coz for me as I had my little gal now I want her to have a younger brother to keep company and to play with. However, if it turns out to be a younger sis for her, I am still so glad for it.

Little boys and girls personalities are totally different. It is nice to have one of each. I think both are special.