Parenting Nostalgia

As I begin this journey of teaching my baby, a lot of old memories come flooding in. Memories of nursery rhymes and other songs that did sink into my brain as my parents taught me, but haven’t thought of in decades. I hope this thread can make some of us smile as we reminisce on the tricks and memories that worked on us before Brillkids was around.

Last year my husband and I were in Yellowknife NWT, Canada. We walked into a really neat old pub and found Sharon, Lois and Bram’s autograph on the ceiling. Now whether it was “thee” three-some I don’t know, but wow, did something ever hit me…I started singing “skin-a-mer-inkey-dinky-dink” and going through all the motions (I love you in the morning and in the afternoon, I love you in the evening and underneath the moon), hopefully there’s some of you that know what I’m saying. But anyways, as I type this I smile.

As I have time, I’ll post more memories, but in the meantime I look forward to hearing some of your personal favorites that you treasure in your heart.

You mean this one? :biggrin:

I never knew this song until one day Felicity came back from one of her classes and started singing this funny song, and I had no idea what she was singing and why she was waving her hands like that.

So I googled what it sounded like she was saying and finally found it - and put me out of my misery in trying to figure out what it was!!

That’s funny! My grandmother used to always sing Little Sally Walker when we were really little. I forgot she used to sing that song until I had my baby and she started singing and doing the dance with it.

Oh, how fun! I hadn’t known that song. Thanks for putting it up KL!
Growing up, not being a BrillBaby then, I watched a lot of TV. What I remember are the little jingles from comercials. One reason I go around looking for little educational jingles. Can’t say I’ve found much yet. :clown: