Hi Mandy and KL
I am not sure what their plans are with regards to any further live courses. But I will DEFINITELY be there when they do.
I am starting to sell the TweedleWink DVD’s in South Africa, and so I went to meet them and learn from them.
I think the most amazing thing I learned from them, was that they really live their brand. Pamela and Wennie’s children are absolutely soft, beautiful, intelligent children. They teach them really good values, and are playful with them.
Have you read Pamela’s book on Right Brain Education? She actually gives away her whole formula of teaching in this book!
She talks about the 10 steps to Right Brain teaching:
- Use pictures
- Be positive
- Sing
- Add an element of fantasy
- Be funny
- Put relationships of results - this is one of her greatest messages!
- Communicate love
- Congruence - match words with thoughts
- Nurture the right brain during optimum times of the day
- Hold the highest image of your child
She also taught me about the 12 technniques of teaching, which are also to be found in the book - so amazing!
In their centre, they teach all the topics found in their videos, but delivered through the most AMAZING techniques! wow, so totally amazing to see how the children respond to their techniques.
I think what is important, is that they deliver the material quickly, and so the child maintains their interest.
What is difficult for me, is the flashcards which are SO time consuming to make. Although I have LR and LM, it is also really nice to supplement your lessons with real flashcards. The different mediums keep it interesting.
So your lessons can consist of many different things to keep them interesting
Little toys (for tracking and teaching) eg little animals if you’re teaching animals
Tracking wands
flash cards
music songs - RELEVANT songs
Games - you can also dress up if you’re delivering a lesson to make it more interesting for your child
Magic carpet rides - to teach them about countries
ALL The details are in the book - I REALLY encourage you to read it! I am on my THIRD round of reading the book. It is filled with so much information, that if you skip over content, you’re surely missing out!!!