Pamela Hickein's course on YouTube - FANTASTIC!

Hi all, I recently had the most amazing experience by going to spend a week in KL with Wennie and Pamela (from Right Brain Kids). Wow, I learned so much!

When I was there, Pamela gave a talk to a group of parent at the “gifted children’s” organisation. This has been loaded in various parts for ease of download, onto YouTube. It’s a great talk, and worth a watch. Just search on Pamela Hickein, or click on the link below.

If you have any questions you want to ask about my trip and some of the fantastic experiences, please feel free to ask!


I can also recommend her course - Level 1 TweedleWink course, which I learned so much from! - Available on her website -

Good that you managed to chat with them! What were some of the most important things you learned? Please do share with us! :slight_smile:

How did you get to spend a week with them? Or was it that you paid to go to the course? What was the most outstanding take-home fact that you learnt while you were there? Are they going to have anything like that here in the US i.e. other than their online course.

Hi Mandy and KL

I am not sure what their plans are with regards to any further live courses. But I will DEFINITELY be there when they do.

I am starting to sell the TweedleWink DVD’s in South Africa, and so I went to meet them and learn from them.

I think the most amazing thing I learned from them, was that they really live their brand. Pamela and Wennie’s children are absolutely soft, beautiful, intelligent children. They teach them really good values, and are playful with them.

Have you read Pamela’s book on Right Brain Education? She actually gives away her whole formula of teaching in this book!

She talks about the 10 steps to Right Brain teaching:

  1. Use pictures
  2. Be positive
  3. Sing
  4. Add an element of fantasy
  5. Be funny
  6. Put relationships of results - this is one of her greatest messages!
  7. Communicate love
  8. Congruence - match words with thoughts
  9. Nurture the right brain during optimum times of the day
  10. Hold the highest image of your child

She also taught me about the 12 technniques of teaching, which are also to be found in the book - so amazing!

In their centre, they teach all the topics found in their videos, but delivered through the most AMAZING techniques! wow, so totally amazing to see how the children respond to their techniques.

I think what is important, is that they deliver the material quickly, and so the child maintains their interest.

What is difficult for me, is the flashcards which are SO time consuming to make. Although I have LR and LM, it is also really nice to supplement your lessons with real flashcards. The different mediums keep it interesting.

So your lessons can consist of many different things to keep them interesting
Little toys (for tracking and teaching) eg little animals if you’re teaching animals
Tracking wands
flash cards
music songs - RELEVANT songs
Games - you can also dress up if you’re delivering a lesson to make it more interesting for your child
Magic carpet rides - to teach them about countries

ALL The details are in the book - I REALLY encourage you to read it! I am on my THIRD round of reading the book. It is filled with so much information, that if you skip over content, you’re surely missing out!!!

what do you mean by magic carpet rides? is that a website / program that teaches countries?

Is this the free ebook we can get on the website?

Hi Sarah

I had no idea you are South African. I am too but live outside of LA, Cali, USA. Where are you from? I last lived in CT was at UCT. I tried convincing my brother and cousin to take the course with me at iahp but they weren’t interested. I have sent them all my home made bits but the only one who uses it on the kids is my mom/their grandma. She was a teacher so believes it all - hook, line and sinker. Good luck, I think you are in a tough market. Are you just teaching your kids or more?

If you haven’t gone to, you should do their course. Pamela openly admits she gets her theory and techniques from Doman. So why not learn directly from the guru?

Hi Sarah & Mandy, I am also South African, living in Chicago. Also from CT, a UCT grad.
I have followed Doman’s program - with modifications. I wonder if Tweedlewink offers anything more?

Hi Laughingwater, I am also a UCT grad!

I find that TweedleWink is REALLY rich in her course material. She covers all of the following:
Art, Science, Culture, Perfect Pitch, Vocabulary, Maths, Phonic Sounds. Word Recognition. Poetry, Classical Music and World Language.

Glen Doman’s methods are good, but Pamela mentions on her site that she believes that Doman has too much repitition in hismethods, which are more left brain. This makes sense to me.

Since I met Pamela in person, I have been religiously following her teaching, with remarkable results!

I try to incoroporate all her elements of lessons into my curriculum. In addition, I add History.

I really do believe in TweedleWink. If you don’t have the DVD’s already, and you have the money, you simply HAVE to try out the DVD’s. My little girl ca’t get enough of them! I also have her Alpha Wave CD, which I play when we are playing games together, and it helps her get into the Alpha Wave state, which imporves her learning.

I found Pamela’s book on Right Brain Education FAR more concise, and really useful. (I have read ALL doman’s books). Pamela gives away ALL her “secrets” in this book about how she teaches her lessons, and it is just FANTASTIC!
If you don’t want to buy the book, the free E-Book (to be found on the home page of is a close second.

THIS IS CRAZY! What are the odds of a few thousand UCTers meeting up online. I have ALL Pamela’s material, I literally mean all. Their stuff is great but I am a Domaner at heart ;). You simply can’t build the brain without enough oxygen to boost it and that means you need a good physical development program. What did you graduate in? Where are you based now in SA? Maybe I can send my family to get in touch with you. Maybe you can convince them the need for rightbrain education.

I did BComm Information Systems and Accounts. Crazy that we found each other online on this forum! I live in JHB - Bryanston. I moved to JHB from CT in 2002. Rather sad, but I have gotten used to it here.

Yes, what you say about the Doman Physical program really does make sense. I will actually revisit the physical program and get that going again. Good advice!

Hi Hypatia, no it’s her new book - retails for $14.95! SUCH a fantastic idea!

Juicyfruits - The magic carpet ride details are also in the book - not sure how much I can share - maybe it’s best to pay for the intellectual property?

What is the name of the book?

Right Brain Education - Changing the World, one heart at a time

It’s not available in bookstores, only on her site at the moment (

Juicy Fruits - the magic carpet ride is an imagination game you play with your child. It makes the lesson more fun. My son loves it. Sometimes I vary the theme and we ride the train instead because my son is mad about Thomas the Tank Engine.

I would like to add to what Sarah said about the repetition in the Doman method. It was something Wennie (Pam’s partner) said, actually. Doman’s program was originally for children who were brain damaged. They found that it worked so well that they decided to try it on healthy children. The reason you would need to repeat so many times is because with brain damaged children, you need to help repair pathways. Healthy children don’t require that, and therefore, do not require as much repetition.

I found it was the case with younger son. Whenever I show him new flashcards, I have his full attention. Sometimes, with repetitions, I find he just looks away no matter how I try to capture his attention. I think it’s because he’s already learned the words and does not need that much repetition. Some children can learn with just one viewing and don’t necessarily need to see the cards several times to remember.

If you look at the children who attended right brain development programs as children, they can remember enormous amounts of information with a single glance. Being older, they can show us this. I believe that younger children can also do the same but because they don’t communicate it to us, we aren’t aware of what they’ve absorbed. If these older children can do it and all they are doing is expressing a potential they were born with, then the younger children can definitely do it because they are still right brain dominant.

Mandy - re: the Doman physical program. TweedleWink does talk about the need to have movement when learning. In a lot of classes, children are often told to sit still and listen. In a TweedleWink class, they are free to roam around the room because TweedleWink recognises the importance of allowing them the freedom of movement to learn. They even recommend bouncing on the ball while listening to the lesson.

I know this isn’t exactly like the Doman physical program, but they do recognise the importance of movement in learning.

I just read this information about Tweedlewink and went to the website and read all I could read about it. Looks very interesting. Love the concept. Anyone know any preschool that’s using this technique in the US. I live in VA but I’d be interested to know if it’s being adopted anywhere in the US.

Hi Ann, as far as I know no, but you could email Wennie and ask her? Her address is It truly is the most AMAZING program EVER!

Thanks a lot. I’ll be sure to do that. I’m really interested in this.

Does the book detail, step-by-step, how to deliver the various material? Does it have a strong focus on “buy our Dvd’s” or is it fairly comprehensive on it’s own?