Pacifier used from birth or after a few months?

I was wondering if babies who used pacifier were given it almost from birth or after some months.
I ask this question because my grandaughter is 3 month old and up to now she does not know a pacifier. Is it possible that later on my daughter will have to get hand on it for any reason?

It would be also great to here your experience about giving pasifier to your babies, did you give it a thought or just did it to keep him occupied. Or did you found it was something ‘great’ for calming the babies and avoiding cries.

Maybe one more thing, until what age did your baby use the pacifier.
So resuming:
Did you use a pacifier?
At what age did he start?
When did he end using it?

Thanks a lot.

I breastfeed my baby from birth, and when I return to work, my parents wanted to give her a pacifier to soothe her and sleep better but she refused to take the pacifier. She never really like it and never suck her thumb either. I guess it is because I still breastfeed her after I return home from work, night time and before I go to work. She never use the pacifier or suck her thumb.

We used a pacifier only few months after birth after his first brain surgery - 3,5 months old. We didn’t use it all the time, mostly when we were in public places and people stared if your baby cried from all his lungs, like ours did :))
At one year and a half, around a surgery, he refused to use the pacifier, it wasn’t helpful anymore.

We tried to use the pacifier rarely and fulfill baby’s needs on demand even though he was breastfed only a couple of months after birth, with interruption.

So I would say it was our decision, not his, to use a pacifier. He refused to use it, and he didn’t suck his thumb or anything else. He didn’t even look for a substitute of the pacifier - either a toy or something else to calm him down. He just wanted… me. I hugged him, and took him in my arms as much as I could daily. The mother seems to be the best help; I believe if I did breastfeed more and better, we hadn’t use a pacifier that long and only in certain circumstances mentioned above.

I’ve seen a mother, in the hospital, asking the nurses to give their babies a pacifier to get used to it :blink: Did she want that baby or not? Did she want the baby for herself or for the sake of the baby? In my opinion pacifiers are tools for parents, to make their life easier, not for the babies… I was against them at first, and if we didn’t have to go to the hospital and I could breastfed, I would rather give him milk to calm him down than a pacifier… Thank God he didn’t like it much time and he didn’t suck his thumb like I did!

I bought a few pacifiers for my son, but tried not to give it to him frequently. I would rather nurse him to calm him. In fact, he didn’t really like the pacifiers that I had so it wasn’t much of a problem. I tried to get him to suck his thumb (mainly because you can’t loose it lol ) but he didn’t enjoy that either. So, as a result, we were a no-pacifier family.

I don’t know if pacifiers have any realtion with breastfeeding…I actually will like to search that before give my opinion about it. :wink:
My daughter always refused to use pacifier since she was born…so I never bought one, they gave me one at the hospital but we never use it.
I breasfeed my daughter until she was 14 months old and then she naturally quit me :laugh:

As my personal opinion I don’t like pacifiers for my own kids…I am not a big fan of them! I feel like you promote the dependency feeling on something is not good for their theeth. And if you get them use to it…when they get older is very hard to stop them…and you will have aguge bill at the dentist office! Not worth it for me!

I breastfeed my children and read that you should not introduce a pacifier too early (or a bottle for that matter) or it would create nipple confusion. When my oldest son was about 4 months old, I had to fly to Shanghai for my brother’s wedding and we weren’t planning to take my son along so I tried to introduce the pacifier to him so my MIL would have something to help her calm him at night to help him sleep (he would nurse to sleep and wake up for night nursing so I wanted to make as easy as possible for my MIL to handle him). Unfortunately, he rejected the pacifier - we tried three different pacifiers and he hated them all. Hubby jokingly calls me the human pacifier because my breast is the only thing my sons would want.

Since we managed without a pacifier for my older son, we decided not to bother introducing it to my younger son. I figured if I didn’t introduce it, I wouldn’t have to break the habit later on. We have heard horror stories of 5-7 year olds who are still hooked on their pacifiers and unable to give it up.

No pacifiers here :smiley: We did not feel it would be beneficial for our babies to suck on piece of rubber. We have happy, self-soothing and content babies and do not need to break habit later on either

I don’t like them because it’s not good for milk supply. Also you don’t want to be up at night just to keep sticking that thing back into their mouth. Let me tell you it’s such a pain. Plus later it can be very hard to take it away. So only my first child used one… I learned after that! He starting using it in the hospital and finished around age 3 only because he was sick and couldn’t breath with it in his mouth. otherwise I don’t know how we would have gotten it away from him. all 5 of my other children have been perfectly happy without it :slight_smile:


Confused on which baby bottle to use for your precious one? Check this out:

My baby did not use a pacifier…I personally don’t like using them…but I would still try to give it to her for a minute or so until I would prepare her bottle (I did not breadfed) …and she simply refused using it. For whatever reason she did not like that little piece of rubber…she does however uses her hands as one:)

Three kids and three different methods used here lol
First kid had lots of trouble Breastfeeding. ( mums boobs were too full lol ) we got her drinking from a t spoon at three days old until my milk supply dropped. Nightmare but thanks to lots of help from mum we managed. She had a dummy from 6 weeks to about 4-5 months. Then lost interest in it. She had the dummy because daddy needed a way to calm her, she was a high strung kid. No longterm issues breast fed til 11 months and naturally weaned herself.
2nd kid no dummy ever, she may have been offered one but never took to it. Easier to feed ( my boobs behaved lol ) breastfed for 13 months til mummy had had enough.
3rd kid dummy from littlerally day one! Every ultrasound we had he had a thumb or foot in his mouth! He came out and was lost with out it. He actually got his thumb in his mouth soon after birth to the surprise of the nurses. Apparently that’s really difficult for new borns to do with all the free space. anyway by nightfall he was still trying to suck anything, a nurse saw it and offered me a dummy. He had it often until he was 2…maybe nearly 3? Nighttime and nap times only as he got older. We had no trouble getting him to give them up, he traded them with Santa for matchbox cars, and never mentioned it again. ( took a bit of convincing Santa at the shopping centre lol ) he breastfed til 15 months and weaned himself.
None of my kids have any problems with teeth. The biggest problem we had was that my son was so tall, so if he had a dummy in napping in a pram people assumed he was too old for it. I never got up to find his dummy for him in the middle of the night…he knew where it was.
Better a dummy than a thumb sucker I say, I sucked my thumb for years and it was a hard habit to break. Changed my teeth and my palet shape before I gave it up.
I think you can look at your children and know if they will benefit from a pacifier/dummy. It’s one of those mummy knows best issues.