Overfeeding a 6 month old

My daughter is 6 months and has been weaned since 4 1/2 months. Most of the time does show signs when she’s full but whenever I give her fruit/something she likes she seems to keep going until all the food is finished! How do I know I’m not overfeeding her?

I’d think she would stop when she was full. If she continues to eat, maybe she is still hungry. She isn’t throwing up or anything, is she?

Well thats the thing - she has always thrown up, even after breastfeeding. It’s a lot better now - she doesn’t throw up after every feed/meal but once or twice a day. It doesn’t seem to be linked to when I think she may have had too much though…

My son was the opposite and barely ate anything so maybe I’m just surprised by how much babies can eat.

My son was a “puker” too. I found he was wanting to drink more formula at 6months then he should really have (42oz a day!) So I switched him to a sippy cup, cut out the bottle and he slowed down to a healthy 26oz plus his baby food. I later found out the reason he puked so much was because he had a milk allergy and was gluten and soy intolerent.
He is now 4 years old and a healthy 38lbs :slight_smile: LOL he was 26lbs at 9months.

Hi waterdreamer,

When did you find out about the allergy?

I have no idea how much milk my daughter drinks as she is breastfed. The “puking” is getting better so I’m hoping it will just be reflux that she grows out of.

How do I know what a “normal” portion is though? Perhaps I should just stop worrying - she looks fine, its just I have had a few people tell me to make sure I dont overfeed her!