Our Reading List for September 2012

I just posted our reading list for September on my blog. We are doing the 2012 Reading Challenge, more to see how much we read in a month/year, not to try to reach a certain number. Anyway, this has been our best month yet. You can view our list at http://teachingbabytoread.com/2012/10/01/our-reading-list-for-september-2012.aspx

Wow. That’s a lot books. I also checked out your website and got some good book recommendations. The parts of speech books look very interesting (If I Was An Onomatopoeia, etc.). Did you teach the parts of speech first?

Thanks for sharing, Lori

We have been learning most of them, so it was review, but the book describes what they are and gives examples. I really liked these books and learned something too. :slight_smile: We liked the book about Idioms also, In a Pickle. Gabriella was reading an Aesop’s Fable to me the other day and told me there was an idiom in there that she had learned. I love when they make those connections on their own.

Glad you found some ideas for books also. I love to get book ideas so we can continually have a nice supply of new books.