Our newest early learner

Many of you may know me from previous posts documenting our early learning progress with my older 2 boys (9 year old working at 8th grade level and 5 year old working at third grade level). We now have a new little girl who was born June 15 th. I tried hard to document with my older 2 but would like to be more consistent with this one. I had the idea to start a blog as a way of documenting the journey this time as a kind of scrapbook and to help connect with other families. So here is the blog (it only has a few entries thus far) rogueed.blogspot.com I’m hoping by sharing it here it will keep me accountable :wink:

Linzy the new blog looks great! I do hope you’re able to document your EL journey with the Little Lady–you know how much I enjoy watching your kids progress and studying your techniques along with many others. I’ve favorited the blog and will add it to my list of interesting child-rearing blogs that I follow.

PS: I’m sure you’ve noticed already but I’d like to point out that your little girl is beautiful, by the way. Enjoy that little one.

Aww thanks, we think she’s beautiful too. I’d love if you’d post a list of the other early learning blogs you follow. I look at dad dudes, poker cub, domanmom, professional parenting from parents on this forum, but I always appreciate more inspiration.

Congratulations on your little sweetie, she is beautiful:)

I love the idea of the blog. My 5 year old is doing amazing things as a result of our EL adventure, and I now have a 2 month old little boy! I am a bit surprised at the little details I have forgotten (some of which comes flooding back when I do something with Max) so I think it will be fantastic to have the journey chronicled.

These early days are so much fun…and now you will have a beautiful record.

Kerileanne, I know what you mean. 5 years is a long time, my next oldest is almost exactly the same age as yours. I find it harder to remember what we did than I’d imagine. So I am very thankful for the records I did keep. Is your 5 year old in school or at home?

Sorry Linzy, I missed this until it was bumped…

Alex has a December birthday so will officially start Kindy this year. She is going to be homeschooled out of necessity. She really liked the idea of going to school (she went part-time to a Montessori program this last year during my very difficult pregnancy!) but it really is not feasible. The school even cobbled together a program for her kindy year where they would allow her to go part time Kindy (a first!) and homeschool the rest. She would have spent mornings in the Lower Elementary with 1st-3rd graders, math in the Upper Elementary with 4th-6th graders, and gone back to kindy for afternoon special subjects like art and music. Homeschool with me the other 2.5 days per week. All for the full-time price, and the LE teacher flat out told me that she didn’t think she could challenge her there.
That isn’t to say she wouldn’t learn things…but this last year she learned all the wrong things, lol. She picks up behaviors, and being with kids twice her age is very problematic:) in addition, I would say my daughter is at the lower end of the social/behavior spectrum for her chronological age. She has serious physical and emotional overexciteabilities:)

So. Homeschooling it is! I am extremely nervous about doing it officially as she is exhausting😄, but excited as well. It is a bit daunting because we get through so much material schooling 3 days per week that I am wondering how we will do with 4-5:)
However, she is very interested in helping with Max’s EL program, and this time daddy is very excited too. He built Max’s crawling track, and included some modifications…before he covered it with foam he drilled holes and installed t-nuts in the plywood so that rockclimbing holds can be bolted on as soon as it isn’t needed for crawling. He has it all planned out to increase the incline gradually and have the baby climbing like a champ before he can walk!

Sorry for the delay in replying. Some of these blogs are “dead”, not having been updated in 1 year or more, but all of them should have at least a few years worth of posts and updates.
Of course, each blog contains links to other blogs so check the links to anything that looks interesting.

Raising Kids in Non-Native languages

Raising Kids in 2+ Languages

PreK and Kindergarten Education


EL Specific