I have been hearing so much on the forum about the Right Start math program and while it looks nice, I wasn’t sure if it would be a good fit for us. I was intrigued by it but not 100% sold.
So, lately we have been practicing more skip counting with the kids with LM and reinforcing with the abacus. What I liked about the abacus was that there is no mess to clean up after, but it didn’t seem to be as effective as it could be. I decided a long time ago to paint our Melissa and Doug brand standard 100 bead abacus, but finally buckled down and took a few hours out of my morning to actually do it. I used a paintbrush and it’s definitely a mediocre, amateur paint job, even my spray gloss coat completely missed some of the beads somehow. I realized as I was finishing that I should have just replaced the beads with colored ones from a craft store, but I used what I had on hand didn’t cost me a cent out of pocket. I previously looked at the RS abaci but I didn’t care for the plastic ones and though the sturdier wooden ones were overpriced. I bought this one for about $8 last Christmas but I have seen them for $5 or less at kids thrift shops, on craigslist, and garage sales from time to time, any brand will do.
It started out looking like this-
I started to paint it while the beads were still on it, I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to go through the hassle of trying to take the thing apart. However, right away I could tell that it was going to be a pain and was better off taking it apart. Turns out, it only required a screwdriver and 1 minute to easily disassemble it. Plus, this allowed me to separate the beads to pain the yellow & natural beads with the brighter yellow paint (which required less coats than painting over dark blue). I painted the blue and green beads with bright blue. I split up the red beads and those were the biggest pain to cover, took quite a few coats. I slid them on bamboo barbeque skewers to dry and spray with a clear coat.
I could have used any color paint I suppose, but I chose RS colors in case I decided to use their iphone/ipad app or official workbooks in the future things would match.
An “official” version for comparison, $35 plus shipping on their website.
The results were profound and instantaneous! I highly recommend dismantling an abacus you may have at home to paint or slide on new beads. It really helps the kids learn to think in 5’s and 10’s and it helps ME teach more effectively when sliding the beads around for skip counting. The kids’ interest in their abacus has risen dramatically from just a few coats of paint. It was time well spent and I only regret not doing it sooner. Using the supplies you have around the house will save you money if that’s important to you, but using spray paint versus a brush will speed up the process a lot and save the frustration of multiple coats to cover the red, for example. I happened to find some spray primer in the shed AFTER the fact and it would have really helped to get the paint to stick easier, I wish I had found it sooner.
I like that it’s super sturdy wood and I don’t have to worry about plastic cracking like the cheaper RS branded ones. One of the points of the RS abacus is that it can be “flipped” horizontally once kids reach a certain level. That can easily be resolved by simply taking the base to home depot or a similar hardware store and having them cut it exactly in half. Then, the “frame” will be flush all the way around and it won’t cost me a penny. (They typically do 1-3 cuts at no cost, much easier than begging nagging asking my husband to do it. lol I am waiting to do this until the need arises and if we decide to purchase a few workbooks from them or something. If you’re not opposed to plastic and don’t already own a basic abacus, the cheapest place to buy one is here, although it may be generic, not sure: http://www.rainbowresource.com/pictures/004083/bbefffc017e50c65d1b6c7d7 If I had to do it again, I would probably try to get one that was even bigger for my son’s little hands, he is still working on fine motor skills, and then painted it myself still but this time with spray paint. If I can find a cheap, ginormous school/daycare type abacus used locally, I still might. If you google “homemade right start abacus” or “Paint right start abacus” you’ll find some other ways to make one of these yourself, such as with wire coat hangers and a wooden picture frame, or with pony beads and popsicle sticks. HOWEVER, being that most of our kids are still pretty young and can be hard on things, I felt safer knowing that just repainting this old one was better than giving my kid something that can be broken easily that they can potentially hurt themselves on, like exposed wires or wire coat hangers. I have no qualms about letting them play with this Melissa and Doug one until their hearts content without worry, today Lily was “teaching daddy” math on it. <3
So, go be inspired and take apart your abacus and slap some paint on it! You’ll be glad you did. :biggrin:
PS This was actually inspired by another lovely, talented member here who made her son a giant RS styled abacus. I hope she reads this and decides to share her beautiful handiwork! <3