Organizing electronic resources

I am new here but have been eagerly reading up all the great information so generously shared by everyone .
One problem I am dealing with is organization of electronic resources -curriculum, websites, printables etc. I would very much appreciate your sharing your methods as I would like to save & organize materials as I am researching so that I don’t loose them and can find when appropriate. I am assuming most people have a hybrid method, so your thought process would be helpful too.
If you think this question is under a different topic please let me know.
Thank You

Using gdrive spreadsheet works great for me!

I have been using google drive spreadsheets too but realize from reading past threads that some resources are no longer available and have been noodling with the idea of somehow saving the actual materials. Then cross referencing on my spreadsheet.
Does anyone save materials in Evernote or some such software or just google drive?

Well, most resources that I take note of are actual websites, it would not be possible to save the whole site somewhere… As far as other materials, do you mean youtube videos and such? Then in most cases, if they are taken down it is because of copy write infringement…