Optimising your time...

What at your tips and which multi-tasks do you perform?

Today it struck me that I’m constantly doing two things at once. My partner says I have a bad memory and I believe it is because I never really ‘commit’ to what i do.

For example, when i supervise my daughter in the bathtub, I scrub the sink and wash the mirror (we have a tiny tiny bathroom); when I cook, I sing or talk to her; when i prepare my lessons (I’m a teacher), i plan her next lunch…

I mean we all do it to some extend, but how do you manage to focus on things when your baby’s welfare is constantly in your mind?

I guess we all moms have the same problem,I think about all the stuff I have to do with my daughter all the time…
But I guess we can organized more our schedule,I know it is hard because being a mom, a wife and a teacher( or any other profession that takes work home) at the same time is not easy.I am a teacher also…and let me tell you IT IS a challenge get ready everthing at the same time.

But In my personal experience when I dedicate time to my daughter, it is completely hers,I forget other stuff( I try :biggrin: ) when It is bath time, all my senses are in the tub with her,the bathroom can wait but my baby is growing so fast and she won’t wait for me. I usually clean the bathroom when she is sleeping.
I prepare my classes when she is sleeping also.
Most of the time when she eats I try to sit with her and do flashcards with her and signing also,but like other times when my kitchen is a mess, I honestly have to dedicate time to my kitchen and like you say, talk to her, sing to her,play with her, show her what I am doing, and usually play music too.

Sometimes I wish I could several things at the same time…BUT she won’t let me :nowink: She is 14 months old and she hates me to be in the computer without her in my lap, or watch tv while She is there, she makes me turn off the tv, She just ask me for attention and she has to get it or I’m in trouble. :biggrin:

But most of the things I have to do, I do while she is sleeping, at night I go to bed usually at 12 or 1am, and I feel good because I hace accomplish all the work with my baby, all the work for my class and all is done.

Thank you PY! I guess the fact that she only sleeps an hour during the day (2 x 30 mn naps usually) is not helping. I do my school work at night time and clean/cook when she sleeps. I have to be quick! lol

It is definetly a challenge. It seems like we need like 28 hrs day lol I try to do stuff around the house while she watches her YBCR, BST or Little Pim videos. They are short so I have to be quick too (I know how you feel Hypatia :smiley: ) I have to get up to go to work very early and as much as I want to go to bed early so I’m rested, I never happens. I have to admit, that I do need to get more organized because sometimes during her naps, I’m just in this website reading other people’s posts and the info that they are providing. Add to that the fact that I like to give my opinion, which means more time :biggrin: . So after 7:30 when my daughter goes to bed I try to get materials ready, but sometimes, I just want to lay in the couch with my husband and watch a show. We need some relaxing time too. In conclusion, I think I need to get more organized to.

I do try to do double task activities with her. Like when putting the dishes away, I tell her what they are, what color. At bath time, my husband created a bath song that talks about parts of the body, which I review during her massage. Numbers, with the bottoms of her pj’s, her legs, arms, fingers, you name it.

I think it is part of us women to multitask. That is how we are wired. Lately, I’m trying to really pick my priorities and finish them in order. I was doing to many things and not finishing any of them completly and I felt aweful :frowning: . I’m trying to improve day by day, and make the adjustments I need to make and try to do my best :smiley: Just like you :yes:

I completly agree with you guys, it is a big challenge to get all our work done. Sometimes I just get so tired and I just want to lay down and forget about the world for 10 minutes :biggrin: but I can’t LOL…
Hypatia you say that your baby sleeps for just 30 minutes for 2 naps, it means she only sleeps 1 hour… :mellow: …Now I understand you a little more…it is difficult…what can you get done in 30 minutes???
For now mine sleeps once a day for at least 2 hours, sometimes 2.5 hours…at least that gives me time to get some stuff done.
Sorry…so probably the only time you can get your stuff done is after she goes to sleep at nights ah?

That’s correct. I’ve given up on trying to extend her nap duration, as she is usually in a good mood throughout the day. That is why I try to involve her in a lot of the things I do.
But I do go to bed very late as I usually go on the internet, watch a bit of tv and read books…

As far as material preparation, i try to do it when I’m in the house by myself. For example, i would use that time to do a lot of research. Another day I would print the material, or cut it up, another day I would laminate it.
I can’t wait to get LR to save on preparation time.