I just wanted to share an experience I had with my older child yesterday.
We were practicing his spelling words because he had a test the next day. After a mistake he said to me “It’s funny because when I write a word wrong my brain can see that it is wrong but I don’t know how to spell it right. It’s like I’m flipping through my brain dictionary and can’t find it.” Now he is considered “gifted” however I keep thinking how much better off he might be if I had given him more opportunities to learn as an infant.
It made me a little sad thinking that I lost the opportunity to fill up his “dictionary” when he was littler. He’s 8 now.
It made me even more determined to get all my stuff together to teach my youngest baby as much as I can.
But hey, I am sure that he’ll do really well with the help he’s getting now from you. I believe that he’s still has a lot to give and take so the more exposed he is to educational stimuli, the better he’ll do in school and later in life.
All the best, and thank you for sharing your experience
I feel the same way even though I knew about it all before he was born I was so slow making cards I feel like he never really “got” the math program and although my son can recognize words I really thought he would be reading now. I wish I had been more organized because now I feel like some opportunities are gone for good.
I’m always telling everybody here in our house that ’ if only I could turn back time and bring my son again in my womb and start it right from there ’ .
There are things that I found that needs to be done earlier. There are things that I’ve done which I thought had helped my son but only to find out that they brought harm rather than good. And that makes me feel sad.
But I should go on because there is still time for me to make things right. Thinking that, it makes my spirit high to continue and this time I know I’m doing it right. :happy:
Me too. I think about that every day now and have already said a few times that I feel like I’m racing against the clock to get things together and learn more! It would have been great if I had been able to get prepared before or while I was pregnant. Oh well, at least we can still love our kids and give them the very best with what we do know and have.
Be thankful that your kids are still so young. Think about it–most of the stuff we are teaching so early is not normally taught until kids are around 4 or 5. So even if your child is 2, you are doing so much more than a normal person who just waits until the kid goes to school to learn things.