Only words?

:wub: First I show for child many words. May I show only words or the word+picture?And when I start show sentences?Are they showeded whith pictures too? Execuse-me, but I can’t beleave, yeht about children may learn histories :confused:. But my Work in the pos Graduation is about this: "May we multiply Baby’s Intelligence? " :happy:I think this is possible, but I don’t know How?? Thank you so much!! :slight_smile:
8)*excuse-me my English difficult and pour , I started study english 2 years ago!!

Dear miriamkg :slight_smile:

You should always start step by step and only for very short sessions with your child…there are some infant stimulation cards in the downloads to start with first before the words…check them out :slight_smile:

As for the words + images, it depends what you want to do… Images show the child the meaning of the word he reads…you can mix both (with and without images) for variety and right brain stimulation of your child…
Or start with words only and when your child is bored add images so you can keep him/her engaged…

From what I understand there are no fixed rules :slight_smile: All that matters is that the learning is fun and loving and not boring for your child :wink:


Hi miriamkg,

I think you are right in believing that a child/ baby can learn anything that we teach them including history! Take a look at the book Carl Weter’s Educational Law and you will be amazed how much a child can learn. As I learn more about right brain education, I have more confidence that every child is in fact a genius (even for the ones that has some mental problems - read the book! It has been translated into different languages and it is a great resource!).

Take a look at the threads:



Thanks for informations!!I 'm studyng a lot!! I bought the Doman's books. How to teach your baby to read, and How to teach your baby Math.