Only words or Words with Picture in Flash Cards???


In different programs people uses different strategies like some use flash cards for only words, some uses words with picture at the back and some use only picture.

Please advise which one is the better to start from scratch.


Each have their own uses.

Word-only flash cards are good for just flashing words - so you’re just letting your child associate written text with how you pronounce it (no meaning).

Picture-only flash cards are good for just flashing pictures - so you’re just leting your child associate an object (or something) with what you call it.

You could combine both (either as separate cards shown one after another, or one on each side) to show word first, then picture, or vice versa.

The most important thing (assuming your objective is to teach word recognition/reading) is to make sure that words get shown separately from the pictures so that the picture does not distract from the word.

Thanks for your valuable inputs.
I beleive you are right.
I should show the words as well as pictures to get the effective result.

I agree with KL. Both type of cards will serve their own purpose…combining them will be effective.
I used a lot of handmade books containing word and picture (on a different page) for my daughter thru 6 to 14 months.
Now she’s hooked to big picture story books.